Sunday, December 8, 2019

Network Management in Organizations for Network - myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theNetwork Management in Organizations for Network. Answer: Introduction It would be correct to say that ethical issues are one of the most critical and difficult to solve that exist in implementation of any IT infrastructure (Chatterjee Sarker, 2015). In this case, the ethical issue is to obtain a balance between the cost and the security. The client wants to compromise the network security measures that comes at a cost and as an expert the organization knows that these security measures should not be compromised. The ethical issue is to take a decision and obtain a balance between the cost and network security. Identification Before solving any ethical issue, it is important to identify the issues. The two important and key ethical issues identified in this case can be highlighted as: The implementer of network has to take a call between cost and security. The client has given a clear-cut instruction that network security should be compromised to save the cost. The implementer has to decide that till what level or to what extent the network security should be compromised. It is not an easy decision to make considering the fact that this decision can have some sever future repercussions (Li Tryfonas, 2016). Analysis The core of the above ethical issues is to obtain a balance between the cost and the security. It is important that this ethical issue should be analysed from the perspective or lenses of various stakeholders. The discussion around the key stakeholders in this case can be discussed as: Organization: It can be said that the organization is the most important stakeholder as in the end the organization has to approve the budget for network implementation. It appears that the prime focus of organization is to save cost and for the same organization is ready to compromise the quality of network security. Implementer: The implementer is other key stakeholder as or he she is the one who would ultimately be held responsible for the network security. Being an expert, implementer known the intricacies of compromised network security and this is the reason that implementer does not want to compromise on the quality (Kizza, 2016). At the same time, he or she should not be the one to spend money from his or her pocket. Employees: It is also important to analyse the issue from the perspective of employees as eventually employees work in the organization and it is their sensitive and personal information that could be leaked. At any cost, employees would not want to work with compromised network security. Customers: The customers are the key stakeholders of the organization. The customers may also not want to work in a threated environment. In fact, customer may change the organization if it feels that the network security of organization is compromised. Evaluation Justification The evaluation of the above issues suggest that the security of the network should not be compromised. At the same time, implementer must not spend from his or her pocket. The recommended course of action is that the steps should be taken to increase the awareness level of decision makers. The utilitarianism theory of ethics places the locus of right and wrong solely on the outcomes (consequences) of choosing one action/policy over other actions/policies. The analysis of the case from the perspective of this theory would suggest that implementer should not implement the compromised network as it would not be good for the organization in long term. Possibly, the organization and the decision makers are not able visualize the end state at this moment (Ayday Cristofaro, 2015). Therefore, the decision maker should be made aware of possible threats that could exist. Even then the decision maker is not ready to sanction the budget the decision maker can also talk to the boss of decision m aker. It can be said that influencing the organization through various means would be the best course of action. Conclusion The above paper discusses the ethical issues in the case study of IT network implementation. With the above discussion, it can be said that influencing the organization through various means would be the best course of action. At the same time, it is important, that the decision maker should not compromise on the quality of network security. The implementer should also be adamant on the required or expected quality of his work. References Ayday, E., De Cristofaro, E., Hubaux, J. P., Tsudik, G. (2015). Whole genome sequencing: Revolutionary medicine or privacy nightmare?.Computer,48(2), 58-66. Chatterjee, S., Sarker, S., Valacich, J. S. (2015). The behavioral roots of information systems security: Exploring key factors related to unethical IT use.Journal of Management Information Systems,31(4), 49-87. Kizza, J. M. (2016). Ethical, Privacy, and Security Issues in the Online Social Network Ecosystems. InEthics in Computing(pp. 227-253). Springer International Publishing. Li, S., Tryfonas, T., Li, H. (2016). The internet of things: a security point of view.Internet Research,26(2), 337-359.

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