Saturday, November 30, 2019

Patterns and Trends and Theoretical Frameworks in Education

Introduction Recent research in education and learning process introduces a number of challenges and constraints that both teachers and students encounter. In particular, numerous studies are dedicated to exploring the traditional frameworks that contribute to teacher training and learning enhancement.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Patterns and Trends and Theoretical Frameworks in Education specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More More importantly, these research studies also highlight the main pitfalls of traditional curriculum and instruction. In order to improve the learning classroom settings, the scholars explore contemporary techniques in instructing students and training teachers. Specific focus is made on the analysis of collaborative approach to enhancing support of learning and teaching processes, development of alternative theoretical frameworks and concepts, and evaluation of the impact of a socio-cultural context on the classroom environment. The importance of a collaborative approach to a learning process is enormous because it enhances support and assists both teachers and students in exploring new dimensions of knowledge acquisition. Hence, Muir and van Linden (2009) assert that collaboration is vital for motivating students to integrate experimental learning opportunities. Indeed, experimental learning can become a basis for collaborative teaching that can facilitate students’ engagement into a classroom setting. Similar to Muir and van Linden (2009), Wilson et al. (2010) suggest that promoting collaborating can eliminate problems that students of 11-year-old age category experience while learning language. In particular, the researchers consider vocabulary teaching through vocabulary instruction and concept maps as important aspects of collaborative practice. Other theorists and scholars also emphasize the strength of collaboration and supporting mechanisms to enhance tea ching (Hechter et al., 2012; Penuel et al., 2007). Patterns and Trends Specific attention requires the concept developed by Daniel (2011) who focuses on family-school partnerships for developing sustainable pedagogical practice.  The scientific exploration proves that the existence of traditional theoretical frameworks related to improvement of teaching and learning approaches have become obsolete.Advertising Looking for essay on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More As a result, lack of theoretical support requires the development and integration of contemporary, alternative techniques that can be congruent with innovation and technological advancement. In this respect, Hechter et al. (2012) focus on the importance of pedagogical, content and technological knowledge to enhance the role of classroom setting. Penuel et al. (2007) assume that students should be able to use technologies for understanding instructions and e stimating the adequacy of their technological competence. Use of concept maps is another important skill that can advance students’ motivation to acquire knowledge (Wilson et al., 2010). Hence, technology contributes greatly to the development of modern approaches to improving support mechanisms. The proposed findings are confined to the evaluation of recent frameworks and concepts that build the basis of an academic process. In this respect, all the scholars express unanimous opinion concerning the obvious lack of theoretical foundation and conceptualization. Moreover, Wilson et al. (2010) insist on reconceptualization of current techniques in teaching and learning to improve education and create new dimensions for students and teachers’ professional growth and development. Contextual analysis of classroom environment undermines the quality of education because insufficient attention is given to the strategies that teachers apply while providing instructions. In this respect, Daniel (2011) advises to refer to contextual aspect that shapes efficient landscape for working curriculum. In particular, engaging socio-cultural environment provides support to students through family-school collaboration (Wilson et al., 2010). In particular, the importance of context is explained by greater opportunity for students to approach the learning process and gain necessary experience in different disciplines. Theoretical Frameworks In order to understand the techniques and approaches that students employ to understand and perceive the course material, specific emphasis should be placed on the analysis the theories that complement the practical dimension. Due to the fact that the research question seeks to define the contemporary techniques to improving the learning and teaching approach, the attention should be given to such frameworks as the theory of multiple intelligences, conditions of learning, and cognitive frameworks for learning and reading. The theory of multiple intelligences is associated with the diversity of pedagogical approaches that should be implemented in a classroom setting. It also focuses on the necessity to introduce person-centered learning approaches and interactive training. Andronache et al. (2011) analyze the theory and agree with the idea that â€Å"†¦these multiple human faculties, the intelligences, are in a significant extent independent from each other† (p. 19).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Patterns and Trends and Theoretical Frameworks in Education specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Therefore, the main task of a teach lies in recognizing the competencies and gifts that each student possesses or lacks to employ the corresponding instructions. The connection between the theory and individualized training is evident, which is another aspect that should be taken into consideration to answer the research question. Finally, teac hers should establish educational goals and multiple techniques as a priority in a teaching process.  The theory of conditions of learning proposed by Gagne amplifies the instructor’s role in explaining the course material to students. According to this theoretical framework, it is recommended that the teachers should not only possess knowledge of the subject he/she teachers, but also be able to guide the learning process through implementing relevant learning theories (Alutu, 2006). Appropriate guidance to students ensures creation of favorable conditions for learning, as well as enhances students’ motivation to increase their performance. In particular, Alutu (2006) states, â€Å"the teacher as a guide also demonstrates some leadership roles which have their impact on the learner behavior† (p. 45). In this respect, this branch of educational psychology relies on successful interaction with the course materials that need to be learnt by students. Therefore, t he theory of conditions of learning provides a sufficient platform for answering the research question concerning how students with different abilities can be approached in a classroom setting. Finally, the cognitive learning theory examines the significance of developing specialized mechanisms for students to respond to the material they learn during classes. Perception, attitude and behavior have a potent impact on students’ readiness to cognize the new material. More importantly, cognitive models are relevant for integrating experimental learning. According to Turton (2012), â€Å"†¦experimental learning model offers an appropriate four-domain learning cycle that includes procedural and perceptual learning and critical reception† (p. 34). Additionally, the theory focuses on the roles and models that students take during a learning process. Cognitive theory also allows the teachers to take a different look at the reading classes. Indeed, reading comprehension is premised on a number of cognitive factors, as well as students’ aptness to understand the teacher’s instructions. Finally, the awareness of unique response mechanisms that students use provides a wider picture on the concrete experience they gain during a learning process.Advertising Looking for essay on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Therefore, the proposed theory is of high relevance for the introduced research because it integrates a variety of teaching strategies. What is more important is that the theory implies an action-oriented approach to understanding the basic concepts. References Alutu, A. N. (2006). The Guidance Role of the Instructor in the Teaching and Learning Process. Journal of Instructional Psychology. 33(1), 44-49. Andronache, D., Boco, M., Stanciu, D. I., Racula, R. O. (2011). The Valences of Multiple Intelligences Theory in Optimizing the Training Process. Journal of Educational Sciences, 18-28. Daniel, G. (2011). Family-school partnerships: towards sustainable pedagogical practice. Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, 39 (2), 165–176. Hechter, R., Phyfe, L. D., Vermete, L. A. (2012). Integrating Technology in Education: Moving the TPCK Framework towards Practical Applications. The University of Western Australia, 39, 136-152. Muir, G. M., van Linden, G. J. (2009). Students T eaching Students: An Experiential Learning Opportunity for Large Introductory Psychology Classes in Collaboration with Local Elementary Schools. Teaching of Psychology, 36, 169–173. Penuel, W., Boscardin, C., Masyn, K. and Crawford, V. (2007). Teaching with student response systems in elementary, Education Technological Research Developement, 55, 315–346. Turton, W. (2012). Honing Cognitive Behavior Therapy Skills through Experimental Learning. Mental Health Practice. 15(10), 33-35. Wilson, G., Nash, M., Earl, G. (2010). Supporting students with language learning difficulties in secondary schools through collaboration: The use of concept maps to investigate the impact of teachers’ knowledge of vocabulary teaching. Child Language Teaching and Therapy, 26 (2), 163–179. This essay on Patterns and Trends and Theoretical Frameworks in Education was written and submitted by user Braxton House to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

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