Tuesday, December 24, 2019

The Classics Are Those Books Essay - 1137 Words

The classics are those books about which you usually hear people saying: I m rereading†¦ , never I m reading†¦. The Classics are those books which constitute a treasured experience for those who have read and loved them; but they remain just as rich an experience for those who reserve the chance to read them for when they are in the best condition to enjoy them. The classics are books which exercise a particular influence, both when they imprint themselves on our imagination as unforgettable, and when they hide in the layers of memory disguised as the individual s or the collective unconscious. A classic is a book which with each rereading offers as much of a sense of discovery as the first reading. A classic is a book which even when we read it for the first time gives the sense of rereading something we have read before. A classic is a book which has never exhausted all it has to say to its readers. The classics are those books which come to us bearing the aura of previous interpretations, and trailing behind them the traces they have left in the culture or cultures (or just in the languages and customs) through which they have passed. A classic is a work which constantly generates a pulviscular cloud of critical discourse around it, but which always shakes the particles off. Classics are books which, the more we think we know them through hearsay, the more original, unexpected, and innovative we find them when we actually read them. A classic is the term given toShow MoreRelatedThe Classic Works Of Strategy1354 Words   |  6 Pages Classic Works of Strategy Dustin Lee Hall University of Maryland University College Principles of War September 18th 2016 Background to the Classic Works of Strategy from Sun Tsu to Jomini Rousseau (2011) defines strategy as a link connecting military power and political purpose. 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Monday, December 16, 2019

How to Make Mongolian Dumplings Free Essays

Do you love eating or cooking yummy foods from different cultures? Well I do. I love eating and cooking many different meals from different cultures and countries, but my traditional Mongolian Dumplings are the best. My purpose of my speech is to teach you how to make Mongolian traditional dumplings with cabbage salad in your own kitchen. We will write a custom essay sample on How to Make Mongolian Dumplings or any similar topic only for you Order Now There are very easy three steps such as collecting ingredients, preparation and process of making dumplings and cabbage salad. First of all, for the ingredients all you need to have is: 3 cups of all purpose flour, 1 ? pounds of beef, 2 carrot, 1 cabbage, 4 cloves of garlic, ? onions, white vinegar, vegetable oil, 2 teaspoons of salt and little bit of black ground peeper for better taste. You can find these ingredients about in any grocery store you like to shop for your groceries. When you have all the ingredients of the dumplings we can go to the preparation. First, prepare the dough mixture. Put about 3 cups of flour into a large mixing bowl. Slowly mix in ? cup water to make dough that is not too dry or too moist. Knead the dough on a floured board for a few minutes. Cover it with the bowl and let it sit or rest as the Mongolians say for 15 minutes. In the mean time, finely mince or cut the beef and place it in a bowl, and add the shredded carrot, chopped cabbage, garlic and onions. Vegetarians often replace the meat with mashed potatoes, cabbage and carrots, or if you like lamb meat or pork you can replace the meat but I love it with horse meat. Anyway, add additional spice to taste into meat, along with salt. Finally mix in about half cup of water to give the meat its juices. After the dough has rested, knead it again for 2 to 3 minutes and then slice it into long strips about 1† wide. Roll each strip on floured board to make long dough snakes, which you then cut into small pieces, about 1†by 1†. Squish each piece flat in the palms of your hands to make what look like small round cookies. Lightly coat these pieces with flour in the bowl and then flatten each with a rolling pin into a thin round piece of dough. Now you are ready to make dumplings. Holding the dough piece in the palm of your one hand, scoop a heaping teaspoon of the meat mixture into the middle of the dough piece. With the thumb of one hand and the fingers of the other, fold the dough up and over the meat, pinching the edges together to create the dumpling shape. Mongolians make dumplings in different shapes: mouse shaped, rose shaped, flower shaped, and even some other shapes I don’t even know how to name them, but the round yurt- shaped dumplings are the most common. Round yurt- shaped dumplings have usually small holes at the top of each dumpling where the edges of the dough come together and the steam will escape out. Now dip the bottom of each dumpling in vegetable oil to keep it from sticking to the base of the steamer pan and then place each onto a steamer pan, making sure that they are not touching to each other. Steam the dumplings in a boiling steamer for 15 minutes. While you are waiting for dumplings to get cooked you can start making the cabbage salad; it takes about 10 minutes to make it. All you have to do is chop the cabbage and carrot into very thin strips, mix them with 5-6 tablespoon of vegetable oil or olive oil is even better, half teaspoon of salt, maybe a pinch or two sugar and add white vinegar as much as you wanted until you get the satisfying taste, and you made Mongolian cabbage salad. Before taking the dumplings out of the steamer, it is important to waft air over them with the steamer lid for 30 seconds or so, so as to keep the flour from becoming doughy. Now pile the dumplings onto a serving plate and take immediately to the table to serve with cabbage salad and milk tea. Mongolians are usually eat dumplings with their fingers, biting into each and then sucking out the hot juices before consuming rest of the dumplings. We also love to eat dumplings dipped in soy sauce, ketchup, and even hot chili sauce. Now you have all the information to make Mongolian dumplings in your own kitchen with these 3 easy steps. How to cite How to Make Mongolian Dumplings, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Network Management in Organizations for Network - myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theNetwork Management in Organizations for Network. Answer: Introduction It would be correct to say that ethical issues are one of the most critical and difficult to solve that exist in implementation of any IT infrastructure (Chatterjee Sarker, 2015). In this case, the ethical issue is to obtain a balance between the cost and the security. The client wants to compromise the network security measures that comes at a cost and as an expert the organization knows that these security measures should not be compromised. The ethical issue is to take a decision and obtain a balance between the cost and network security. Identification Before solving any ethical issue, it is important to identify the issues. The two important and key ethical issues identified in this case can be highlighted as: The implementer of network has to take a call between cost and security. The client has given a clear-cut instruction that network security should be compromised to save the cost. The implementer has to decide that till what level or to what extent the network security should be compromised. It is not an easy decision to make considering the fact that this decision can have some sever future repercussions (Li Tryfonas, 2016). Analysis The core of the above ethical issues is to obtain a balance between the cost and the security. It is important that this ethical issue should be analysed from the perspective or lenses of various stakeholders. The discussion around the key stakeholders in this case can be discussed as: Organization: It can be said that the organization is the most important stakeholder as in the end the organization has to approve the budget for network implementation. It appears that the prime focus of organization is to save cost and for the same organization is ready to compromise the quality of network security. Implementer: The implementer is other key stakeholder as or he she is the one who would ultimately be held responsible for the network security. Being an expert, implementer known the intricacies of compromised network security and this is the reason that implementer does not want to compromise on the quality (Kizza, 2016). At the same time, he or she should not be the one to spend money from his or her pocket. Employees: It is also important to analyse the issue from the perspective of employees as eventually employees work in the organization and it is their sensitive and personal information that could be leaked. At any cost, employees would not want to work with compromised network security. Customers: The customers are the key stakeholders of the organization. The customers may also not want to work in a threated environment. In fact, customer may change the organization if it feels that the network security of organization is compromised. Evaluation Justification The evaluation of the above issues suggest that the security of the network should not be compromised. At the same time, implementer must not spend from his or her pocket. The recommended course of action is that the steps should be taken to increase the awareness level of decision makers. The utilitarianism theory of ethics places the locus of right and wrong solely on the outcomes (consequences) of choosing one action/policy over other actions/policies. The analysis of the case from the perspective of this theory would suggest that implementer should not implement the compromised network as it would not be good for the organization in long term. Possibly, the organization and the decision makers are not able visualize the end state at this moment (Ayday Cristofaro, 2015). Therefore, the decision maker should be made aware of possible threats that could exist. Even then the decision maker is not ready to sanction the budget the decision maker can also talk to the boss of decision m aker. It can be said that influencing the organization through various means would be the best course of action. Conclusion The above paper discusses the ethical issues in the case study of IT network implementation. With the above discussion, it can be said that influencing the organization through various means would be the best course of action. At the same time, it is important, that the decision maker should not compromise on the quality of network security. The implementer should also be adamant on the required or expected quality of his work. References Ayday, E., De Cristofaro, E., Hubaux, J. P., Tsudik, G. (2015). Whole genome sequencing: Revolutionary medicine or privacy nightmare?.Computer,48(2), 58-66. Chatterjee, S., Sarker, S., Valacich, J. S. (2015). The behavioral roots of information systems security: Exploring key factors related to unethical IT use.Journal of Management Information Systems,31(4), 49-87. Kizza, J. M. (2016). Ethical, Privacy, and Security Issues in the Online Social Network Ecosystems. InEthics in Computing(pp. 227-253). Springer International Publishing. Li, S., Tryfonas, T., Li, H. (2016). The internet of things: a security point of view.Internet Research,26(2), 337-359.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Patterns and Trends and Theoretical Frameworks in Education

Introduction Recent research in education and learning process introduces a number of challenges and constraints that both teachers and students encounter. In particular, numerous studies are dedicated to exploring the traditional frameworks that contribute to teacher training and learning enhancement.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Patterns and Trends and Theoretical Frameworks in Education specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More More importantly, these research studies also highlight the main pitfalls of traditional curriculum and instruction. In order to improve the learning classroom settings, the scholars explore contemporary techniques in instructing students and training teachers. Specific focus is made on the analysis of collaborative approach to enhancing support of learning and teaching processes, development of alternative theoretical frameworks and concepts, and evaluation of the impact of a socio-cultural context on the classroom environment. The importance of a collaborative approach to a learning process is enormous because it enhances support and assists both teachers and students in exploring new dimensions of knowledge acquisition. Hence, Muir and van Linden (2009) assert that collaboration is vital for motivating students to integrate experimental learning opportunities. Indeed, experimental learning can become a basis for collaborative teaching that can facilitate students’ engagement into a classroom setting. Similar to Muir and van Linden (2009), Wilson et al. (2010) suggest that promoting collaborating can eliminate problems that students of 11-year-old age category experience while learning language. In particular, the researchers consider vocabulary teaching through vocabulary instruction and concept maps as important aspects of collaborative practice. Other theorists and scholars also emphasize the strength of collaboration and supporting mechanisms to enhance tea ching (Hechter et al., 2012; Penuel et al., 2007). Patterns and Trends Specific attention requires the concept developed by Daniel (2011) who focuses on family-school partnerships for developing sustainable pedagogical practice.  The scientific exploration proves that the existence of traditional theoretical frameworks related to improvement of teaching and learning approaches have become obsolete.Advertising Looking for essay on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More As a result, lack of theoretical support requires the development and integration of contemporary, alternative techniques that can be congruent with innovation and technological advancement. In this respect, Hechter et al. (2012) focus on the importance of pedagogical, content and technological knowledge to enhance the role of classroom setting. Penuel et al. (2007) assume that students should be able to use technologies for understanding instructions and e stimating the adequacy of their technological competence. Use of concept maps is another important skill that can advance students’ motivation to acquire knowledge (Wilson et al., 2010). Hence, technology contributes greatly to the development of modern approaches to improving support mechanisms. The proposed findings are confined to the evaluation of recent frameworks and concepts that build the basis of an academic process. In this respect, all the scholars express unanimous opinion concerning the obvious lack of theoretical foundation and conceptualization. Moreover, Wilson et al. (2010) insist on reconceptualization of current techniques in teaching and learning to improve education and create new dimensions for students and teachers’ professional growth and development. Contextual analysis of classroom environment undermines the quality of education because insufficient attention is given to the strategies that teachers apply while providing instructions. In this respect, Daniel (2011) advises to refer to contextual aspect that shapes efficient landscape for working curriculum. In particular, engaging socio-cultural environment provides support to students through family-school collaboration (Wilson et al., 2010). In particular, the importance of context is explained by greater opportunity for students to approach the learning process and gain necessary experience in different disciplines. Theoretical Frameworks In order to understand the techniques and approaches that students employ to understand and perceive the course material, specific emphasis should be placed on the analysis the theories that complement the practical dimension. Due to the fact that the research question seeks to define the contemporary techniques to improving the learning and teaching approach, the attention should be given to such frameworks as the theory of multiple intelligences, conditions of learning, and cognitive frameworks for learning and reading. The theory of multiple intelligences is associated with the diversity of pedagogical approaches that should be implemented in a classroom setting. It also focuses on the necessity to introduce person-centered learning approaches and interactive training. Andronache et al. (2011) analyze the theory and agree with the idea that â€Å"†¦these multiple human faculties, the intelligences, are in a significant extent independent from each other† (p. 19).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Patterns and Trends and Theoretical Frameworks in Education specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Therefore, the main task of a teach lies in recognizing the competencies and gifts that each student possesses or lacks to employ the corresponding instructions. The connection between the theory and individualized training is evident, which is another aspect that should be taken into consideration to answer the research question. Finally, teac hers should establish educational goals and multiple techniques as a priority in a teaching process.  The theory of conditions of learning proposed by Gagne amplifies the instructor’s role in explaining the course material to students. According to this theoretical framework, it is recommended that the teachers should not only possess knowledge of the subject he/she teachers, but also be able to guide the learning process through implementing relevant learning theories (Alutu, 2006). Appropriate guidance to students ensures creation of favorable conditions for learning, as well as enhances students’ motivation to increase their performance. In particular, Alutu (2006) states, â€Å"the teacher as a guide also demonstrates some leadership roles which have their impact on the learner behavior† (p. 45). In this respect, this branch of educational psychology relies on successful interaction with the course materials that need to be learnt by students. Therefore, t he theory of conditions of learning provides a sufficient platform for answering the research question concerning how students with different abilities can be approached in a classroom setting. Finally, the cognitive learning theory examines the significance of developing specialized mechanisms for students to respond to the material they learn during classes. Perception, attitude and behavior have a potent impact on students’ readiness to cognize the new material. More importantly, cognitive models are relevant for integrating experimental learning. According to Turton (2012), â€Å"†¦experimental learning model offers an appropriate four-domain learning cycle that includes procedural and perceptual learning and critical reception† (p. 34). Additionally, the theory focuses on the roles and models that students take during a learning process. Cognitive theory also allows the teachers to take a different look at the reading classes. Indeed, reading comprehension is premised on a number of cognitive factors, as well as students’ aptness to understand the teacher’s instructions. Finally, the awareness of unique response mechanisms that students use provides a wider picture on the concrete experience they gain during a learning process.Advertising Looking for essay on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Therefore, the proposed theory is of high relevance for the introduced research because it integrates a variety of teaching strategies. What is more important is that the theory implies an action-oriented approach to understanding the basic concepts. References Alutu, A. N. (2006). The Guidance Role of the Instructor in the Teaching and Learning Process. Journal of Instructional Psychology. 33(1), 44-49. Andronache, D., Boco, M., Stanciu, D. I., Racula, R. O. (2011). The Valences of Multiple Intelligences Theory in Optimizing the Training Process. Journal of Educational Sciences, 18-28. Daniel, G. (2011). Family-school partnerships: towards sustainable pedagogical practice. Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, 39 (2), 165–176. Hechter, R., Phyfe, L. D., Vermete, L. A. (2012). Integrating Technology in Education: Moving the TPCK Framework towards Practical Applications. The University of Western Australia, 39, 136-152. Muir, G. M., van Linden, G. J. (2009). Students T eaching Students: An Experiential Learning Opportunity for Large Introductory Psychology Classes in Collaboration with Local Elementary Schools. Teaching of Psychology, 36, 169–173. Penuel, W., Boscardin, C., Masyn, K. and Crawford, V. (2007). Teaching with student response systems in elementary, Education Technological Research Developement, 55, 315–346. Turton, W. (2012). Honing Cognitive Behavior Therapy Skills through Experimental Learning. Mental Health Practice. 15(10), 33-35. Wilson, G., Nash, M., Earl, G. (2010). Supporting students with language learning difficulties in secondary schools through collaboration: The use of concept maps to investigate the impact of teachers’ knowledge of vocabulary teaching. Child Language Teaching and Therapy, 26 (2), 163–179. This essay on Patterns and Trends and Theoretical Frameworks in Education was written and submitted by user Braxton House to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Quick Guide to Command-Line Arguments in Ruby

Quick Guide to Command-Line Arguments in Ruby Many Ruby scripts have no text or graphical interfaces. They simply run, do their job and then exit. To communicate with these scripts in order to change their behavior, command-line arguments must be used. The command line is the standard mode of operation for UNIX commands, and since Ruby is used widely on UNIX and UNIX-like systems (such as Linux and macOS), its pretty standard to encounter this type of program. How to Provide Command-Line Arguments Ruby script arguments are passed to the Ruby program by the shell, the program that  accepts commands (such as bash) on the terminal. On the command-line, any text following the name of the script is considered a command-line argument. Separated by spaces, each word or string will be passed as a separate argument to the Ruby program.   The following example shows the proper syntax to use to launch the test.rb Ruby script from a command-line with the arguments test1 and test2. $ ./test.rb test1 test2 You may encounter a situation in which you need to pass an argument to a Ruby program but theres a space in the command. It seems impossible at first since the shell separates arguments on spaces, but there is a provision for this. Any arguments in double quotes will not be separated. The double quotes are removed by the shell before passing it to the Ruby program. The following example passes a single argument to the test.rb Ruby script, test1 test2: $ ./test.rb test1 test2 How to Use Command-Line Arguments In your Ruby programs, you can access any command-line arguments passed by the shell with the ARGV special variable. ARGV is an Array variable which holds, as strings, each argument passed by the shell. This program iterates over the ARGV array and prints out its contents: #!/usr/bin/env ruby ARGV.each do|a|   Ã‚  puts Argument: #{a} end The following is an excerpt of a bash session launching this script (saved as the file test.rb) with a variety of arguments: $ ./test.rb test1 test2 three four Argument: test1 Argument: test2 Argument: three four

Friday, November 22, 2019

Show Me The Money 8 Good-Paying Part-Time Jobs

Show Me The Money 8 Good-Paying Part-Time Jobs part-time jobs are lucrative and plentiful, but finding them means knowing where to look. deciding on the type of job you want based on your skills and needs is a good first step. for instance, if you have small children and wish to work when they are at school, your search might focus on morning jobs. finding the right job for you is easier with thejobnetwork online search platform. focus on jobs that suit your needsjobs vary according to training, experience and location. some part-time jobs let you work from home. this saves on commuting time and cost. it also accommodates parents who would like to be at home with their children. other jobs might require a degree or specific experience in the field. depending on where you live, certain types of part-time jobs may be plentiful, and the pay range might differ. this post focuses on eight part-time jobs that pay well and offer flexibility.dog walkingthis part-time job is best suited to individuals who like dogs. you might need a city license. in addition, being bonded and having insurance protects you and your clients. both provide a level of security for your business. this part-time job pays between $15 and $75 per hour.tutoring studentsthis position is online or in person and suits many grad students or teachers as an excellent source of extra income. tutoring for sat or medical school and law school entrance exams are higher paying. the range for tutoring depends on the subject matter and pays from $15 to $200 per hour.web designerthis part-time job requires learned skills and a work portfolio. being able to do the job with a good turnaround time enables you to earn more. some design firms hire freelance designers at an hourly rate of $50. taking courses online or at a brick and mortar design school or college helps you move into this field.breakfast restaurant server or staffthis is sought after by those who need to have afternoons free. such establishments close by afternoon. the pay scale ranges depend on the geographic area. restaurants in this category pay up to $4 per hour plus tips.hair stylistbeing a hair stylist takes training and a license to provide this service. however, once attained, you are able to work as much or as little as you want depending on the salon. hairstylists make about $10 per hour, with differences depending on the salon and its location.bartenderdepending on the establishment, many bartender positions require training, certification for safe food handling such as servsafe may be required. this job bays an average of $10 to $75 per hour including tips. some bartenders favor events over working at a particular facility.tax preparation/accountantthis position can be seasonal or done at home. some individuals work for a tax preparation business while others set up their own businesses. tax preparers typically earn between $8 and $23 per hour as an employee, but self-employed workers can set an acceptable fee for clients.fitness instructorsbeing fit is enviabl e, and many job seekers establish their own fitness business or work at a gym. getting certified in such areas as pilates or yoga helps raise your fee, and the average pay is about $20 per hour.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

International Law Of The Sea Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

International Law Of The Sea - Essay Example Part VII of the Agreement deals with living resources of the high seas through Article 116, Article 117, Article 118, Article 119 and Article 120. Before delving deep into the functions of the fisheries management organisations it is of great concern to know what the UNCLOS Articles state on the role of the regional fishery management organisations. Article116 provides the right to fish to all the countries and their citizens to practice fishing on the high seas on certain conditions, which include: (a) Their treaty responsibilities; (b) the rights and duties as well as the stakes of coastal nations provided for, among other things, in article 63, paragraph 2, and articles 64 to 67; and (c) The conditions as given in this Section. Under Article117, the concerned state has responsibility to follow with regard to its citizens assess for management of the marine resources of the high seas. Cooperation with other states in this regard is central to the conservation of marine resources on the high seas (UNCLOS). Under Article 118, the spirit of Article 117 is taken ahead through cooperation states shall take fresh steps and enter into accords with other states for commercially using the similar water resources or dissimilar water resources on the same region with the purpose of conserving the water resources. It is the responsibility of the states to set up regional or sub-regional fisheries organisations (UNCLOS). Article 119 is also dedicated to conservation of fish stocks of the high seas. 1. It stipulates conditions on deciding the permissible catch and setting up other safeguarding steps for the fish stocks, such as: (a) found suitable as based on scientific knowledge on which the concerned states can depend upon for preserving the fish populations of cropped species at standards that ensure long term production as based on suitable environmental and economic considerations, particularly of the developing countries, considering the fishing methods at all levels of fishing – regional, sub-regional and international; (b) States pay attention to the impact on the species related to or relying on harvested species with the aim of preserving fish populations of such related or relying on species beyond limits at which their populations could not be increased through breeding. 2. All global organisations working for conservation and management of fish stocks shall communicate and exchange related scientific facts, catch and fishing statisitics at all levels of cooperation, regional, sub-regional and global with the suitable active contribution from the respective governments of the organisations. 3. Fishermen shall be treated impartially irrespective of the fact related to their specific state citizenship rights while taking conservative steps and enforcing them. Article120 is meant for marine mammals; Article 65 is also relevant to the conservation and management of marine mammals in the high seas (UNCLOS). An attempt at analysing the r ole of RFMOs will include all regional groups. First of all an attempt on the conservation and management of the Northeast Atlantic Region will be made to be followed up with an assessment of the other regions (UNCLOS). Northeast Atlantic Region The production data on chondrichthyans from 1985-2006 in the Northeast Atl

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Financial Risk Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Financial Risk Management - Essay Example The paper would be reflecting the financial risk rising from various perspectives i.e. personal level, institutional level followed by financial risk from the perspective of Islamic religion. Risk management is an essential activity for controlling and eliminating the financial risks in the aforementioned viewpoints. The paper would be discussing the risk management procedures found effective in each of these perspectives. Table of Contents Abstract 2 Table of Contents 3 Personal Risk Management 4 Financial Risk management in Financial Institutions 6 Financial Risk Management: An Islamic View 9 Is the Financial Risk Management Applied 11 Conclusion 12 References 13 Personal Risk Management Risk management should be the main focus point of the financial plan of the investors. There are some investors who do not focus on this aspect of the investment procedure. There are various risks associated with the investment procedure. The first risk is referred as the performance risk. The inve stors need to have diversified portfolio for reducing the performance risk. The second risk involves the volatility risk. The asset classes such as equity and gold tend to give high return on investment in the context of long term period. But it becomes necessary to reduce the volatility risk in the short term and medium term period. The third risk is associated with risk of inflation. This is one of the biggest risks for any long term investor. The asset allocation should be done in such manner that it would be able to beat the inflation over any period of time. In today’s world, making investment has become one of the most important activities in life for every individual. In such case, it is pertinent that all the investors should possess knowledge to certain extent related to the investment risk management. Financial risk management can be explained as a procedure of dealing with uncertainties arising in the financial markets. While the financial institutes handle very co mplex series of procedures for managing the risk, the individuals are required to have knowledge about risk management as well. The individuals need to: 1) Understand the risk tolerance in both emotional and financial terms. 2) Understand personal level of the risk tolerance. 3) Assess and compare the personal risk capacity with the risk tolerance. 4) Identify an effective asset allocation investment portfolio. The aforementioned framework provides a guideline of the understanding of risks, managing them and making effective investment decisions. Risk capacity and risk tolerance are two important attributes associated highly with the risk factor. Risk tolerance can be described as the psychological or emotional attribute and risk capacity can be defined as the financial attribute of the risk factor. Risk Tolerance The fundamental explanation of the term ‘risk’ is the chance of losing something. In investment decision, there remain chances of losing money as well. With g reater probability of big profits, prospect of the losses to take place remains higher. Thus it becomes important to carefully consider the risk tolerance while planning for an investment strategy. Risk tolerance determines the psychological receptiveness of an individual associated with the risk and level of anxiety experienced in various situations where the risk factor is evident. It

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Basic Statistics for Business and Economics Essay Example for Free

Basic Statistics for Business and Economics Essay Over the last four weeks of being in the QNT/351 course our team has learned a lot about researching a hypothesis and understanding the mean. The hypothesis testing begins with the statement and the assumption that determines the population of the mean, (Lind, 2011, p.288.). There are five steps taken which include; state the hypothesis, select level of significance for it, identify the test statistics, formulate decision rule, and take a sample to arrive at a decision. On the contrary, however, McClave, 2011 states that there are seven steps including; null hypothesis, alternate hypothesis, test statistic, rejection region, assumptions, experiment and calculation of test statistic, and the conclusion. With setting a hypothesis and testing it is important to understand the mean and how to compare it amongst two or more groups. With testing the mean with multiple groups, the data collected is used to help determine the probability of a given amongst two distinct groups being analyzed which have the same or equal variances. This info it all based off the given hypothesis and should result in proving the null hypothesis stated. When looking at the mean the distance noted between the hypothesis and the mean placed is a value given as a result of the probability of occurrence. When analyzing and testing the means of the two groups we use the variance analysis. An example of this type would be testing the means of the two groups based off statistical models and valid conclusions. Along with completing the testing of the means of the groups, we must also calculate the variance according to the distribution of the differences in means. If the standard deviation is known we can calculate the z-score by using the difference of the variance and the mean. In calculating the correlation between the two variables we see that it is crucial to know the characteristics of the coefficient. According to Lind, 2011 pages 386-389 we can calculate the coefficient of correlation. The coefficient of correlation can help dete rmine the cause as well as effect amongst the two variables. Calculating these numbers is  crucial as the results give information which help determine the level of significance of the given hypothesis. References Lind, D. A., Marchal, W. G., Wathen, S. A. (2011). Basic Statistics for Business and Economics (7th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. McClave, J. T., Benson, P. G., Sincich, T. (2011). Statistics for Business and Economics (11th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Student Athletes Should Not Receive Additional Money Essay -- Argument

Student Athletes Should Not Receive Additional Money When a student athlete signs a letter of intent to play at a division one school, he or she is generally happy for the opportunity to perform at the highest level of college competition. Like all good things though, they eventually come to an end. After awhile athletes soon begin to realize not all of their expenses are paid for. Because some of the extra costs in college are put on student athletes, some suggest the NCAA and other sources should provide additional funding to help athletes out. This issue has created a heated debate over the relationship between money and college athletes. On the contrary, the stronger argument lies with those individuals that say student athletes should not receive additional money, and how the NCAA is dealing with the situation right now is fine. In other words, athletes competing at the division one level do not need to be paid any amount of money on top of obtaining a scholarship. If the current law the NCAA has now is working, then i t should not be fixed. Because this is such a huge topic, there are still arguments for the opposition. In contrast to the NCAA’s rules and regulations, those in favor of paying student athletes say money is a necessity to get through college. They say even though full ride athletes receive a free education, certain accessories still require money from their own pocket. Some of these items include laundry, clothing, phone bills, transportation, entertainment, toiletries, and eating off campus. The money for these things usually comes from parents or, if they are lucky, a grant of some kind is given to the athlete. But in order to receive a grant, a student athlete must apply for financial ... ...regarding college athletes receiving money many things would be different in the future. A major concern involves recruiting. Universities allowed to pay players would be able to buy recruits and this may persuade them to attend the school offering the most money. It’s almost like a free agent in professional sports. Attending the school with the most to offer decreases the likelihood of a fair playing ground for all of college athletics. As a result certain schools would be major powerhouses and it would stay this way forever. Concluding all the ideas and argument above illustrates just a small portion of why the NCAA has yet to pass a law of this magnitude. The evidence for all those in supporting athletes receiving money are not strong enough for action to take place. Overall if student athletes begin to get paid, collegiate sports will become corrupted.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Access to Education

For My Research paper, I would like to talk about Access to Education in world countries. This subject is important to me because I want to become a teacher someday.For most Americans, we usually have the typical ordinary lives, we go to school, get a job and work. Now-a-days most Americans, don't go to school but imagine not being able to go to school your whole life and just working from the age of 7. Now that's something to think about, for many world countries, it`s not easy to get access to education like it is for the people in America. For third world countries they don't get educated period, and we American are forced to go to school by the age of 16, we take it for granted. Could you imagine not going to school and getting an education? How would you feel if you didn't have supplies for class or a classroom to go to? These are just some questions to think about. Education is one of the most difficult things to get in third world countries because of lack of funding, un-trained teachers and also no classroom. Body 1 Education is one of the most difficult things to get in world countries because of lack of funding. According to https://www.globalcitizen.org/en/content/10-barriers-to-education-around-the-world-2/ one of the number one reason to having education in world countries is â€Å"a lack of funding for education†, from this article it says † the amount of total aid that's allocated to education has decreased in each of the past six years and education aid is 4% lower than it was in 2009.† Wow, the fact that education has decreased since 2009 is not a good sign, we should be going up higher but even in the united states there are children not wanting to go to school, they feel being a basketball player or singer is better.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

The Story Cinderella Through a Marxist’s Eye

In a Marxist view, a capitalistic society equates economic status to social status. The story of Cinderella by Charles Perrault highlights a number of these views. Cinderella’s stepfamily longingly desired to keep their social standing. They are willing to but Cinderella into poverty by making her their slave. By doing so, they ensure their social and economic standing. The prince has a similar need to keep his high-class standing but requires a bride to maintain these necessities. The prince reaches his goal by marrying Cinderella to create a possible heir to his throne. Cinderella’s stepfamily and the prince sustain their economic power by upholding their social status. In a capitalistic society, there is a dependency on having a lower class in order to maintain the higher class. Since Cinderella’s stepfamily has a lot of money and she has nothing, they maintain their economic status by demoting her to slavery. In the beginning of the fairy tale after her mother dies, her father remarries to maintain his economic status. Cinderella is unfortunate when soon after his death she is plunged into poverty. Throughout the story, her stepfamily continues to live in luxury while keeping Cinderella in squalor. While her stepsisters slept in expensive beds and were dressed in lavish fashions, Cinderella had to sleep in a bed made of straw and wear old dirty rags. The stepmother requires Cinderella to be kept in poverty in order to maintain their economic and social status. Cinderella will never have the chance to rise to the higher class since she does not earn any money. Unless someone existing in the higher class takes her out of her poverty, she will continue to exist within the lower class. In this time period, people were defined within society by how much money they acquired. The prince’s social standing of being in the ruling class is also dependent on economic wealth. In order for his family to stay in power he needs to have an heir to the throne. He hosts an extravagant ball at his castle to find a suitable bride and all the ladies in the town were invited to attend. Cinderella wanted eagerly to go the ball, but knew she was not wealthy enough to look the part. Cinderella is fortunate enough to have help from a supernatural force, called her fairy godmother, to transform her into appearing like she was from the high-class society. Her beauty was so intriguing that the prince fell in love the moment he looked at her. Once he finds Cinderella from the help of his servants, she is pulled out of slavery and into the ruling class. The prince enables his family to maintain their economic and social status by marrying Cinderella. He now will have an heir to the throne and his family will be preserved in the royal society. The struggle between the higher and lower classes of society is prominent within Marxism. Charles Perrault highlights this ideology in the fairytale of Cinderella. Cinderella’s stepfamily wants to keep their maintain their economic and social standing. They make Cinderella their slave and instantly plunge her into poverty. Their economic standing is ensured as soon as she is put the lower class. The prince similarly keeps his social standing when he finds a bride. The prince and Cinderella get married therefore maintain his economic and social status and ultimately creating a possible heir to his throne. In the story Cinderella economic status is ensured through differences in social statuses. Marxist views uphold this society and therefore capitalism is sustained.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Otto Bayer and the History of Polyurethane

Otto Bayer and the History of Polyurethane Polyurethane is an organic polymer  composed of  organic  units joined by  carbamate (urethane) links. While most polyurethanes are  thermosetting polymers  that do not melt when heated,  thermoplastic polyurethanes  are also available. According to the Alliance of The Polyurethane Industry,  Polyurethanes are formed by reacting a polyol (an alcohol with more than two reactive hydroxyl groups per molecule) with a diisocyanate or a polymeric isocyanate in the presence of suitable catalysts and additives. Polyurethanes are best known to the public in the form of flexible foams: upholstery, mattresses,  earplugs, chemical-resistant coatings, specialty adhesives and  sealants, and packaging. It also comes to the rigid forms of insulation for buildings, water heaters, refrigerated transport, and commercial and residential refrigeration. Polyurethane products often are simply called â€Å"urethanes†, but should not be confused with  ethyl carbamate, which is also called urethane. Polyurethanes neither contain nor are produced from ethyl carbamate. Otto Bayer Otto Bayer and co-workers at IG Farben  in Leverkusen, Germany,  discovered and patented the chemistry of polyurethanes in 1937.  Bayer (1902 - 1982) developed the novel polyisocyanate-polyaddition process. The basic idea which he documents from March 26, 1937, relates to spinnable products made of hexane-1,6-diisocyanate (HDI) and hexa-1,6-diamine (HDA). Publication of German Patent DRP 728981 on November 13, 1937: A process for the production of polyurethanes and polyureas. The team of inventors consisted of  Otto Bayer, Werner Siefken, Heinrich Rinke, L. Orthner and H. Schild. Heinrich Rinke   Octamethylene diisocyanate and butanediol-1,4 are the units of a polymer produced by Heinrich Rinke. He called this area of polymers polyurethanes, a name which was soon to become known worldwide for an extremely versatile class of materials.   Right from the start, trade names were given to polyurethane products. Igamid ® for plastics materials, Perlon ® for fibers.   William Hanford  and  Donald Holmes   William Edward Hanford and Donald Fletcher Holmes invented a process for making the multipurpose material polyurethane. Other Uses In 1969, Bayer exhibited an all-plastic car in  Dà ¼sseldorf, Germany. Parts of this car, including the body panels, were made using a new process called  reaction injection molding  (RIM), in which the reactants were mixed and then injected into a mold. The addition of fillers produced reinforced RIM (RRIM), which provided improvements in  flexural modulus  (stiffness), reduction in coefficient of thermal expansion  and better thermal stability. By using this technology, the first plastic-body automobile was introduced in the United States in 1983. It was called the  Pontiac Fiero. Further increases in stiffness were obtained by incorporating pre-placed glass mats into the RIM mold cavity, called resin injection molding, or structural RIM. Polyurethane foam (including foam rubber) is sometimes made using small amounts of  blowing agents  to give less dense foam, better cushioning/energy absorption or thermal insulation. In the early 1990s, because of their impact on  ozone depletion, the  Montreal Protocol  restricted the use of many  chlorine-containing blowing agents. By the late 1990s, blowing agents such as  carbon dioxide and pentane were widely used in North America and the EU.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Blaxploitation Essay Research Paper The Emergence of

Blaxploitation Essay, Research Paper The Emergence of ColourIn today? s culturally diverse, politically right society, it is difficult to believe that at one clip racism was non merely accepted as the norm, but enjoyed for its amusement value. Persons of African descent in North America today take the big, diverse pool of chances offered by the movie industry for granted. Much like Canadian theatre nevertheless, there was a clip when a black adult male in any function, be it servant or break ones back, was virtually unheard of. It took the blaxpliotation movies of the early 19 1970ss to alter the stereotyped word picture of Black people in American Cinema, as it took The Farm Story, performed by a little troop of Canadian histrions, to make a Canadian theater industry. To be more specific, it took the release of Melvin Van Peebles, Sweet Sweetback? s Baadasssss Song, in 1971, to alter the tradition position of Black people in American movie. ? Porter? s Tom was the first in a long line of socially acceptable Good Negro characters. Always as Toms are chased, harassed, hounded, flogged, enslaved, and insulted, they keep the religion, n? er bend against their massas, and remain hearty, submissive, stoic, generous, selfless, and oh-so-very kind. ? ( Bogle,4 ) The early soundless period of film introduced five basic originals for Black characters: the Tom, the Coon, the Tragic Mulatto, the Mammy, and eventually, the Brutal Black Buck. America? s foremost Black character found manifestation as the aforesaid Uncle Tom in Edwin S. Porter? s, Uncle Tom? s Cabin, which was released in 1903. ? The paradox was that in actuality Tom wasn? t Black at all. Alternatively he was portrayed by a nameless, somewhat fleshy histrion made up in blackface. ? ( Boggle, 4 ) This was a common pattern developed by the theatre, and carried over, as were many of the moving techniques, to silent movie. Tom? s presence, and the visual aspect of the fou r Black originals which were to follow, served the same intent: ? to entertain by emphasizing negro inferiority. ? ( Boggle, 4 ) Although holding no positive consequence on the position of Black people in America socially, the tom character opened the door for Black histrions in film. Sam Lucas became the first black adult male to be cast in a prima function as a Tom, and in 1927, Universal Pictures signed James B. Lowe, a fine-looking black histrion, for the lead function in the Universal Pictures production of Uncle Tom? s Cabin. Lowe was chosen to play the portion because movie manager Harry Pollard, a former blackface histrion, believed he? tantrum in with the realistic demands of the times? ( Bogle, 6 ) Tom was to be followed by the coon, although he remained the cinematic Black character favourite. Where Tom was an adorable character, the coon provided audiences an object of amusement. Two discrepancies of the coon shortly emerged: the piccaninny and the uncle ramus. ( Bogle, 7 ) The Pickanny was the first coon type to look in film. ? By and large, he was a harmless, small crazy creative activity whose eyes popped, whose hair stood on terminal with the least exhilaration, and whose jokes were pleasant and diverting. ? ( Bogle, 7 ) The Pickaninny provided audiences with an amusive recreation, and shortly found his manner into the Black Marias of the mass audience. Following to debut was the pure coon, ? a good-for-nothing nigga? , whose undependable, brainsick, lazy nature was good for nil but feeding and doing problem. This character found its pinnacle of success in Rastus, a good-for-naught Black featured in a series of movies released between 1910 and 1911. The concluding coon brother would emerge as the tidal bore to delight metaphoric cousin to the Tom. Quaint, and na? ve, the Uncle Ramus character distinguished himself through his amusing philosophizing. ( Bogle,8 ) In general, the cinematic coon was used to bespeak the Black adult male? s contentment with his submissive place in society. Besides emerging around this clip period is the tragic mulatto: a negro visible radiation plenty to go through for white, who must contend against the negro contamination to either rise above his coloring material, or autumn victim to it. Mammy, a character closely related to the amusing coon, was the following to emerge. Headstrong and copiously female, Mammy debuted around 1914. The Mammy function would be perfected by Hattie McDaniel in the 1930? s. From the mammy functions emerged the Aunt Jemima, a male or female character who had a spot more tact and were, for the most portion, Sweet and congenial. The concluding original emerged in D.W. Griffith? s The Birth of a Nation ( 1915 ) . Picturing life before and after the civil war, all four originals are present in this movie. It depicts recreant Blacks who overpowe r the charitable, white Southerners and leave on a way of lechery, coarseness and offense. The ultimate end of these wild beast-men is sexual laterality of the pure, guiltless white adult females. At the movies decision, the white work forces of the? unseeable imperium? drive in to salvage the twenty-four hours and reconstruct white domination in the South. Proudly know aparting, D. W. Griffith, touted as one of the fore-fathers of film, uses his movie command to demo audiences what happens when? slaves get overweening? . The five originals would govern in black film for the following 50 old ages. Although Black movies did emerge, it was for the most portion produced by white production companies for a black audiences. Black Independent production companies such as the Ebony Motion Picture Company began to emerge in the 20? s, but the stereotypes and capable affair stayed the same. A common subject of societal mounting, the ultimate end of the Black being suburban life, ruling Black theaters. ( Cham, 20 ) Throughout the 30? s and 40? s the mobster movies rose to the bow, normally picturing gun-totting, slick-talking Blacks, entent on doing it large. Despite the presence of Black independent film makers such as George Randall, African American issues were basically ignored. The 50? s and 60? s brought societal agitation and the Civil Rights Movement brought a demand for movies with a stronger message. The originals of the 20? s and mid-thirtiess were no longer acceptable, and the few Hollywood? race movies? ( which normally starred Sidney Poitier ) , were no longer adequate. ? Hollywood was still unable to spot or picture the full spectrum of Black American life and culture. ? ( Cham, 21 ) In 1971, Black movie experienced an epiphany. It came in the signifier of a low-budget, severely made Gallic movie by the name of Sweet Sweetback? s Baadasssss Song. It was created about wholly by one Black man- Melvin Van Peebles. This marked a extremist alteration in Black film. ? In 1971, Melvin new wave Peebles dropped a bomb. Sweet Sweetback? s Baadasssss Song was non polite. It raged, it screamed, it provoked. It? s echos were felt throughout the state. In the Black community it was both hailed and denounced for it? s sexual rawness, its butch hero, and its word picture of the community as downpressed and in demand of rescue. ? ( Diawara, 118 ) Van Peebles movie sparked an detonation of what would go known as blaxploitation movies. What Sweet Sweetback Baadassss Song did was interpret Black Stereotypes otherwise. He, and other Black managers of the clip, took the Black Buck, Coon, and Mammy stereotypes of the epoch before and modernized them. ? Mammy? lost weight and grew an Afro, going the ultra-stylish prima donna which was personified best by actress Pam Grier. The Black Buck emerged dominant, ready to contend his historical oppressors. Blaxploitation movies acted as a cleaning procedure, through which black movies were finally able to accurately picture the African American experience. Directors such as Spike Lee and Jon Singleton were able to make? race movies? which confronted the serious urban issues of the clip, without utilizing old stereotypes. It is of import to observe, nevertheless, that Sweet Sweetback is non considered a blaxpoitation movie, as it is excessively artistic to be considered such. Rather, Melvin Van Peebles foremost movie was the accelerator for the cleaning blast. ? The Farm narrative? marked a point in time- before it there was no Canadian individuality in theater, after it there was. In the same manner, Melvin Van Peebles? film marked the minute when African Americans reclaimed their individuality. They were no longer content with the cinematic functions offered to them, and so they began to make their ain. Although blaxploitation movies were subsequently commercialized, their purpose and consequence stayed consistent, and have created the ethno-conscious film industry we find today. Bogle, Donald. Toms, Coons, Mulattoes, Mammies, and Bucks. New York: Viking Press, 1973.Cham, Mbye B. Blackframes. Cambridge: The Mit Press, 1988.Cripps, Thomas. Making Movies Black. New York: Oxford University Press, 1993. Diawara, Manthia. Black American Cinema. New York: Routledge, 1993. Lead, Daniel J. From Sambo to Superspade. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1976.Morton, Jim. Am I Black Enough for You? Blaxploitation. 20 Sept. 1998. 22 Nov. 1998. Patterson, Lindsay. Black Films and Film-Makers. New York: Dodd, Mead A ; Company, 1975.Sampson, Henry T. Blacks in Black and White: A Source Book on Black Films. New Jersey: The Scarecrow Press Inc. , 1977.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Homework Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 15

Homework - Assignment Example Instead of acknowledging him as a treasure for his long service to the industry, his organizations hired a younger and more capable worker to oversee and assess his work (Schlossberg 57). He probably felt greatly unappreciated after all he had done for the company. Hank should first have taken time for a lengthy period of reflection in which to consider his options before returning to work. He might have asked for a few days for this. During this time, he could have confided in a counselor about his concerns and worries in the workplace. He could also have confided in support groups for elderly workers who are confronted by changes in the workplace that could very well portend their dismissal if they are unable to keep up with the changes. Elaine could have been more compassionate and given Hank more time to adapt to the changes in the workplace. She, as well as the other executives could also have started a support group as well as a training group specifically aimed at elderly workers such as Hank who were confounded by the new expectations that made them appear obsolete. No. I would have pleaded for more time to learn about the new methods of operation that were necessary to succeed in the changing market. I would openly have sought the help of other more productive workers in reaching the numbers of accounts that the company

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Determining Training needs at Summit Credit Union Case Study

Determining Training needs at Summit Credit Union - Case Study Example Summit credit union noted that newly employed lenders did not have the needed skills and information to take up the job and the problem attribute to the way the training curriculum was organized. The problem identification will be through conducting a needs assessment. A needs assessment is the process of identifying and analyzing a company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats with an aim of improving to achieve the company goals and initiatives. The first step in a needs assessment would be an organizational analysis to determine the skill and abilities the organization needs. The analysis establishes whether the training would benefit the company and whether the required resources are available. The analysis also identifies the merits and opportunities of the company and helps to focus on the demerits and threats. The second step is to do a personal analysis to establish who will receive the training and who will conduct the training (Boyer Management Group, 2014). This analysis establishes the level of the existing competency and the areas that require more training. Thirdly, this will involve analyzing the job and the requirements. This analysis will identify the main duties, experience, skills, and competency required to take the job and perform well. The forth step would be to perform an analysis on the performance of the specific task and establish whether it is below the expectations and whether the training will help bridge the gap between the actual performance and the expected performance. Next would be to do an analysis on the content of the training to identify the appropriate content that is in line with the requirements of the specific job. This will help in delivering the appropriate training to the employees. The next step is to establish whether training will solve the employment or there are other underlying reasons of not performing well (Employee Opinion Survey, 2014). Lastly, a cost benefit analysis

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

3 Ps Self-Assessment Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

3 Ps Self-Assessment - Assignment Example These were due to unavoidable circumstances that were explained to respective lectures in advance. My interpersonal relations with both lecturers and students have also been good without even a single reported case of conflict. This is because I always respect people’s opinions and personality and I have excellent communication skills towards approaching people (Lambert, p. 3-6). My level of preparation for class work has similarly been outstanding with a 46 points rating. This includes my readiness with respect to assignments, presentations, and class readings. My assignments and presentations have always been done and reviewed in time, before submission time, a fact that has facilitated my excellence as I have always had time for revision and editing of my work. Both lectures and classmates have also recommended my preparedness for class readings (Lambert, p. 3-6). My participation is similarly highly rated at 45 points. While I am always ready to participate in discussions and class exercises, I normally allow other people to participate and only engage when called upon. The relatively lower score in my participation can be explained by my passive nature (Lambert, p.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Trama In Wireless Sensor Networks

Trama In Wireless Sensor Networks Recent advances in wireless sensor networks have led to many new protocols specially designed for different applications where the energy efficiency is the main consideration. The traffic adaptive medium access protocol (TRAMA) is introduced for energy efficient collision free channel access in wireless sensor networks. TRAMA reduces the energy consumption by avoiding the collisions of transmitted data packets and it allows the nodes to switch low power mode whenever they are not in transmitting and receiving mode. This article is explained about TRAMA operation, related applications developed based on TRAMA protocol and its advantages and disadvantages. A wireless sensor network is a wireless network consisting of spatially distributed autonomous devices that use sensors to measure the physical or environmental quantities like temperature, sound, vibration, pressure, motion at different places. The main purpose of wireless sensor network is to collect the information from target domain and transmit the information back to specific task. Such a network usually consisting of a number of wireless sensor nodes arranges in ad-hog fashion and each node consisting of one or more sensors, low power transceiver, processor and an energy source likely a battery. A significant amount of energy is consumed by the sensor nodes radio that degrades the network lifetime. In order to reduce the energy consumption of these sensor nodes research has been done on the design of low power electronic devices. Because of hardware limitations further energy efficiency can be achieved by designing energy efficient communication protocols. Medium access contro l (MAC) is an important technique that ensures the successful operation of the network by avoiding the collisions and switching the nodes to idle mode which are not participating in the transmission and receptions. The following attributes has to consider while designing a good MAC protocol such as energy efficiency, latency, throughput and fairness. In a wireless sensor network, the communication part consumes most of the energy which is the main optimization goal for making of MAC protocols. The MAC protocols directly controls the communication module and saves the energy. The major sources of energy consumption in wireless sensor networks are collisions, overhearing, control packet overhead and idle listening. Collisions are generated when a transmitted packet is corrupted due to interference and it has to retransmit again. Collisions also increase the latency. Overhearing is that a node takes up the packets which are intended to other nodes. Control packets used in wireless sensor network include ready-to-send (RTS), clear-to-send (CTS) and acknowledgement (ACK). The transmission of these packets leads to energy consumption, therefore a minimum number of control packets should be used to make a data transmission. Idle listening is one of the major sources of energy consumption. A node really does not know when it will be the receiver of a massage from one of its neighbours. So, it must be wake up all the time for incoming message resulting in idle listening and that can consume 50-100% of the power required for receiving. The MAC protocols for wireless sensor networks can be classified broadly into two categories i.e. contention based and scheduled based. The schedule based protocol can avoid collisions, overhearing and idle listening by scheduling the transmission and listen periods under the strict time synchronization requirements. The contention based protocols have relax time synchronization requirements and can easily adjust to the topology changes as some new nodes are joining to the network or some of the nodes are expired after deployment. These are based on carrier sense multiple access technique and have higher costs for message collisions, overhearing and idle listening. There are a considerable number of MAC protocols which are implemented for different applications in WSN. Each protocol works on different techniques and at last all are targeted for energy efficiency. TRAMA is one of the scheduled based distributed TDMA (time division multiple access) based protocol that has been designed for energy efficient collision free channel in WSNs. The remainder of this section is explained in next sections. TRAMA: Traffic adaptive medium access (TRAMA) protocol which aims to achieve the energy efficiency by avoiding the collisions of data packets while receiving and by employing a low power mode for node which are not scheduled in transmission and reception. The usage of low power mode is dynamically determined and adapted according to traffic pattern. TRAMA applies a traffic adaptive distribution election scheme that selects the receivers based on the schedules announced by transmitters. Nodes using TRAMA, exchange their two hop information and the transmission schedules fixing which nodes are the intended receivers of their traffic in chronological order. TRAMA consists of three components which are neighbour protocol(NP), schedule exchange protocol (SEP) which allows to exchange two-hop neighbour information and schedules and adaptive election algorithm (AEA) uses the information of NP,SEP and it selects transmitters and receivers for current time slot and leaving the other nodes in network to switch to the low power mode. TRAMA assumes a single time slotted channel for both data and signalling transmissions. The above figure shows the overall timeslot organization of the protocol. Time is organized as sections of random and scheduled access periods. The author [1] assumes that random access periods as signalling slots and scheduled access slots as transmission slots. NP propagates among neighbouring nodes and gathers the data during random access period using signalling slots; this way two-hop topology information is obtained. Collisions may happen when contention based mechanism is used during random access period. Transmission slots make collision free data exchange possible by schedule propagation. Schedule exchange protocol (SEP) is responsible for maintaining the updated schedules with neighbours periodically. Generally these schedules are holds the traffic based information which is useful for collision free data transmissions. A node announces its schedule before the transmission stage. The length of the transmission slot is fixed based on channel bandwidth and data size. Signalling packets are smaller in size compared to the data packets so the transmission slots are typically longer than signalling slots. ACCESS MODES AND THE NEIGHBOR PROTOCOL: In the sensor networks, often nodes are power drained and some new nodes are may join to the network. To accommodate these dynamic changes in topology, TRAMA alternates between random and scheduled access. TRAMA starts in random access modes where each node transmits the data by selecting a slot randomly. More dynamic networks require more frequent random access periods and it is opposite to static networks. During these random access periods, all the nodes must be in transmit or receive mode. NP gathers the neighbourhood information by exchanging signalling packets during the random access periods. The above figure 2(a) shows the format of the header of a signalling packet. If there is no up dated information, the signalling packets will sendkeep-alive beacons to its neighbours. A node times out its neighbours, if it does not hear from that node for a certain period of time. By the end of random access period all the nodes will have the information about its two hop neighbours with 0.99 probabilities. SCHEDULE EXCHANGE PROTOCOL: The name itself tells that SEP maintains the traffic based schedules across the neighbours and it periodically updates the schedules. A node has responsible to announce its schedule using SEP before starting the actual transmission. Schedule generation process as follows that each node computes SCHEDULE_INTERVALL based on the packets are generated by the higher layers. The SCHEDULE_INTERVALL of a node represents the number of transmission slots for which the node announce to its schedule to its neighbours according to its current state of MAC layer queue. The node then pre-computes its number of slots in the interval for which it selects the highest priority among its two hop neighbours which we called as winning slots. These winning slots are selected as transmitter and as well node announces these slots to intended receivers. If the node does not have data to send in its slots then it gives up the corresponding slots to other nodes who want to use these vacant slots. A node lost wi nning slot is this interval is reserved for broadcasting the schedule in next interval. Nodes announce their schedule through schedule packets. In these criteria there is no need of receiver address which has obtained through NP. Nodes convey the information to intended receiver using a bitmap whose length is equal to the number of one hop neighbours. Each bit in the bitmap corresponds to one of the receiver order by their identities. An advantage of using these bitmaps is simple with broadcast and multicast communication can be supported. To broadcast a packet to all its neighbours then all the bitmap bits are set to one. If the packet need to multicast with the neighbouring nodes then only that bits are set in the bitmap. For vacant slots the node announces zero bitmap. The slots which are mapped as zero can be used by other nodes in the two-hop neighbourhood. The format of scheduled packet is shown below. In that format the last winning slot in the bitmap is always reserved for announcing the next scheduling. Additionally, the data packets can carry the summary information of a node schedule to its neighbours. These schedule summaries help to minimize the effects of packet loss. As shown in the figure 2(b) the data packets contain the three blocks of summary information of scheduled data in that bitmap corresponds to the number of winning slots in the current interval. The size of the bitmap is number slots and is used to indicate whether it in transmit mode or giving up the corresponding slot. Nodes will maintain synchronization with their one hop neighbours by this schedule information. The slot after which all the winning slots go unused is called change over slot. All nodes have to listen during the change over slot to synchronize their schedules. ADAPTIVE ELECTION ALGORITHEM(AEA): A node is selected to transmit when it has the highest priority among its contending set. At any given timeslot T, the state of a given node U is determined by Us two-hop neighbourhood information and the schedules announced by Us one-hop neighbours. The node can be in three states at given timeslot T, that are transmit, receive and sleep. (i) If a node U at T in transmits, then it has the highest priority and it has the data to send then the slot is used for transmission. (ii) If a node U in receive mode, when it is the receiver of the node which is in transmit mode in the current slot. (iii) Otherwise it will go to sleep mode. Whenever a node has absolute winner for a particular slot and it has non zero bitmap for this slot, it knows that no other node in its two hop neighbourhood will be transmission in this slot. Then collision free transmission is happened to intended receivers. When a node is not absolute winner, then it is not sure who the actual transmitter for a particular slot is. For example, consider a topology in figure (4), it shows that node D is the highest priority in Bs two-hop neighbourhood. In a given time slot and node A is the highest priority in its two-hop neighbours. So, both the AD transmit in the timeslot because they are absolute winners. The absolute winner to node B is node D. The node B is looks at it schedule for D and finds that B is not intended receiver of D, then it goes to sleep mode by missing the As transmission. So, before going to sleep mode a node must also account for the alternate winner. This inconsistency will occur when the alternate winner is hidden from the ab solute winner i.e. they are three hops away. ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES: Higher percentage of sleep schedules and collision free transmissions are achieved compared to CSMA based protocols. TRAMA performance can get adapted dynamically to the network traffic conditions and adapts the topology changes throughout the network. Moreover, without considering the transmission and reception, the duty cycle is at least 12.5%; the percentage is excessive for the kind of networks. The latency of TRAMA is more when compared with other contention based protocols such as S-MAC and IEEE 802.11. The delay performance is obtained by analytical mode which notes that TRAMA has higher delay when compared with NAMA. TRAMA protocol is suitable for applications like not delay sensitive but require high energy efficiency and throughput. A typical example is sensor network used for periodic data collection and monitoring applications. CONCLUSION: TRAMA is energy- aware channel access protocol for wireless sensor networks. TRAMA uses the traffic based schedules and avoids the wasting slots and switch the nodes to low power mode when there is no data to send and they are intended receivers of traffic. Through extensive simulations, TRAMA shows significant energy savings i.e. nodes can sleep 87% of its time when compared with scheduled and contention based MAC protocols depending on the offered load. TRAMA also have higher throughputs around 40% over S-MAC and CSMA and 20% over 802.11. It avoids the collisions due to hidden terminals. TRAMA protocol is more suitable for applications like with not delay sensitive and produce high energy efficiency.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Slavery Is The South Essay -- essays research papers

Slavery is the South Essay #3 Slavery played a dominating and critical role in much of Southern life. In the struggle for control in America, slavery was the South’s stronghold and the hidden motive behind many political actions and economic statistics. By dominating Southern life, slavery also dominated the economic and political aspects of life in the South from 1840 to 1860. By the 1840’s and 50’s the Southern economy had almost completely become slave and cash crop agriculture based. Without slaves in the south a person was left either landless and penniless or struggling to get by on a small farm. However, even though slaves dominated the southern economy, slaveholders only included about 2 to 3 percent of the population. This small percentage was the amount of people successful in a slave based, cash crop agricultural, Southern economy. Therefore, the Southern economy was controlled and dominated by those who did and did not have slaves. Furthermore, with t he high demand for Southern items in Europe and Northern America more slaves were needed in the South to produce these cash crops. Without slaves there would be no cotton, tobacco, or sugar production and without these integral items the Southern economy would absolutely fail. The South depended on slaves to fuel their economy and therefore slavery dominated their economy. Between 1840 and 1860 many political issues, debates, and actions were inflamed by slavery. As America grew, the South wanted more slave states...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Ideas and Values Shape Who You Become in Society Essay

Most people strive to have a good social standing and the ideas and values they hold on to can often influence their place in society. Society dictates which ideas and values will be accepted and which will be rejected. The values that stick with us the most are usually taught to us as children and help to influence who we become. In â€Å"Girl† and â€Å"Good People†, the characters were raised to have religious values and to behave in a way that will make it easy for them to fit into their society. The main characters in these stories had their values imposed on them at a young age, and helped to shape who they’ve become and how they behave in society. Read more: Good people by David Foster Wallace  essay Religion is a cornerstone for the characters in both stories. They are taught what is acceptable in their religion, in this case Christianity, and realize certain actions could alienate them from their social groups. In â€Å"Girl†, the girl is given specific instructions on how to behave, including â€Å"don’t sing benna in Sunday school† (Kincaid, 120). She is taught that singing folk music on the Lord’s day is improper, and even though she â€Å"doesn’t sing benna on Sundays at all and never in Sunday school† (120), she is explicitly told a few times not to do it. There, it is important for her to be on her best behavior. On Sundays she is shown she must â€Å"try to walk like a lady and not the slut you are so bent on becoming† (120) because how she is perceived on Sundays can be detrimental to her public image. In â€Å"Good People† Lane A. Dean Jr and his girlfriend Sheri’s values weigh heavily on their thoughts as they consider their options when making a momentous decision. The two are very religious and â€Å"they’d prayed on it and talked it through from every different angle† (Wallace, 152). They are worried about how their society will perceive them and if they are still good people if they go through with having an abortion and never really mention the word in conversation. Even  on the phone they speak â€Å"in a kind of half code in case anybody accidentally picked up the extension† (153). Neither of them goes to a friend or even religious leaders to talk about their situation, â€Å"not Pastor Steve or the prayer partners at campus ministries, not his UPS friends or the spiritual counselling available through his parents’ old church† (152) because they are ashamed. Specifically, Lane feels â€Å"like he knew now why it was a true sin and not just a leftover rule from past society† (152). In â€Å"Girl† and â€Å"Good People†, the main character’s religious values have an affect on who they are in society, a good person or someone â€Å"who gets to touch the bread† (Kincaid, 121). Even though Lane Dean and Sheri had made the appointment, they were still uncertain of their decision. Lane knew he couldn’t make up his girlfriend’s mind because â€Å"he knew if he was the salesman of it and forced it upon her that was awful and wrong† (Wallace, 152) and he knows it isn’t his place to make a decision for her. However, he wishes he could know what Sheri is thinking and â€Å"get her to open up and say enough back that he could see her and read her heart and know what to say to get her to go through with it† (152). Sheri knows Lane Dean is a good person, and that he respects her enough to know he cannot force her to side with him, but he still wishes he could persuade her to have the abortion. Ultimately, it is Sheri’s decision to have the abortion, or cancel the appointment. Similarly, included in the long list of instructions in â€Å"Girl† is â€Å"how to make a good medicine to throw away a child before it even becomes a child (Kincaid, 120), so the girl can decide for herself whether or not to have an abortion. Beside how to make medicine, the girl is taught other gender specific lessons that include cooking, sewing, laundry, and grocery shopping. She needs to learn how to sew in order to hem a dress â€Å"so to prevent yourself from looking like the slut I know you are so bent on becoming† (120) and looking indecent in public. All of these instructions are aimed to make it easier for the girl to find a husband by teaching her â€Å"how you set a table for dinner with an important guest†¦ how to behave in the presence of men who don’t know you very well† (120). Understanding of gender roles and how to behave around men, or be a wife, are important lessons for the girl to learn in order to survive in her society. Class affiliation plays a role in the upbringing of the girl. She is instructed to â€Å"wash the white clothes†¦ and put them on the stone heap†(119) and â€Å"when buying cotton to make yourself a nice blouse, be sure that it doesn’t have gum on it†(119-120) because it doesn’t matter which social class she belongs to, she still needs to have clean, well-made clothes. Sewing is a useful skill for her, because she cannot afford clothes that are already made, or even premade fabric. Harsh words and phrases that are repeated throughout the story such as â€Å"slut† and â€Å"wharf-rat boy† accentuate the point that there is a certain way for her to behave in society and that if she acts like a slut or associates with wharf-rat boys, people will view her as being lower than them. Unlike the girl, Lane A. Dean Jr seems to belong to the upper middle class based on his name, and the fact that he attends junior college while living at home with his parents. He was named after his father, and perhaps this close affiliation with the patriarch of his family makes him apprehensive of confiding in his parents about his situation. He is close with his mother as well, and she thinks Sheri is â€Å"good people†¦she made this evident in little ways† (150). Lane is worried their decision and their sins mean they will no longer be viewed as good people to the people in their upper class society and knows Sheri â€Å"can neither [have an abortion] today nor carry a child alone and shame her family† (155). Trying to fit in to society, whether upper or lower class can be an arduous task with many lessons to learn and roles to play. Knowing your place and where you fit in determines your success. The ideas and values imprinted on youth to build character and deter bad behavior allow them to conform to society. Works Cited Mays, Kelly J. ed. _The Norton Introduction to Literature._ Portable 11th ed. New York: Norton, 2013. Print. Kincaid, Jamaica. â€Å"Girl.† Mays 119. Print. Wallace, David Foster. â€Å"Good People.† Mays 149. Print.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Cultural Autobiography Essay

Cultural Biography: How My Roots Shape My Identity It is often said that we should not let a single feature of ourselves define who we are. For example, a basketball should not only be an athlete, but must also value her roles as a sister, a daughter, a student, and anything else that gives her life meaning. A doctor should not only focus on his identity in the medical field but also his place in his neighborhood, his church, and, of course, his family. Otherwise, he would be considered the workaholic. In many cases, though, it is very easy to do. People’s identities are made up of all the roles they play in their lives. Defining oneself or someone else in only way is not healthy because it does not consider the full complexity the person. Thinking of ourselves in a limited way, such as if I considered myself only a student but did not consider my roles as a friend to others and a family member, could lead to shallow thinking. Thinking of others in such a way can result in stereotyping and even discrimination, such as if someo ne thinks she knows all she that needs to know about someone based on his religious beliefs. Nonetheless, not all aspects of our identities contribute equally to the whole. Certain elements of our environment and background help to shape us fundamentally. They seem to serve as a base for everything else that we would learn, do, and become. I think everyone has one or two areas of that nature. For me, I think that one of the most defining traits about me is the culture I came from, which is Mainland Chinese. Although I keep an open mind and try to learn new ways of looking at the world, the beliefs of my upbringing often are dominant. If you asked me to describe who I am at my core, I would probably say that I am a Chinese woman. Culture, of course, comes from the people around us. As I see it, my family, including a large extended family, has been the most influential community in shaping who I am today, because they passed on their culture to me. Often we do not realize what is our culture until we leave it. I can remember when I first arrived in America and stayed for a short time with a host family. They had a daughter who was 10 years old. She had a little cold at the time. She drank cold orange juice. I was so shocked that her mother allowed her to drink it. In my family, we feel that cold drinks are not good for sick people and that they can hurt the stomach. Many people in China think this way. I could almost hear my own mother’s voice in my head, scolding her disapproving of the cold drink. She and her sisters could never accept this. After hearing this idea for so many years, I, too, was starting to have the same reaction. When people have flu or cold, in China the appropriate drink is thought to be hot water. I suggested to the girl’s mother that she should drink warm water. They both suddenly got a disgust look on their faces. They said orange juice would be better because it has a lot of vitamin C to fight the germs. This was one of my first lessons in culture, both Am erican and my own. For my part, I still do not like to have very cold drinks. However, I do not make any suggestion about what other people should drink. In explaining how my family has influenced me, I should discuss some basic elements about Chinese culture. It is collectivist culture, not individual culture like America. That means that Mainland Chinese society tends to see the group as being more important than the person. The question then is who is the group. Based on stereotypical Western movies or shows, it would be easy to assume that nearly all Chinese act and look alike and that they would see themselves as one group. In fact, this is not true at all. Chinese people think in much smaller terms, most typically, and would see their immediate family, including elders such as parents and grandparents, as their group. In some sense, they would also consider old friends and former and current co-workers to be part of their group. It is not so common in Mainland China to make many new friends as adulthood. People in China depend on these tight networks to help them in hard times, and they have to be ready to repay the favor at som e point in the future. Tight informal networks are very important for getting by in life in China. Chinese culture value family piety. It means we believe in a strong obligation to respect and honor our family members. I would always try my  best to take care of my parents and also older relatives such as grandparents, aunts, and uncles. In a broad sense, family members, because all consider themselves a close group, would do almost anything to help each other. As is said in English, they would take the shirt from his or her own back to give to the other person. This kind of thinking is based on Confucianism, where taking care of the family is considered to be the highest value. Unfortunately, a related matter is that sometimes in Mainland China, people are not as quick to get involved when a stranger needs help, and some people without integrity are quick to take advantage of strangers and cheat them. We also do not have as much public volunteer and charity culture, as many people would feel guilty if they spend their money on people who are outside their own family. The concept of taking care of the family is so important to culture that it is sometimes humorous to other people from other countries. I once was at dinner in a group that included both American and international students. Some people were talking about what they would do if they won the lottery. A Chinese boy said he guessed that if he won, he would soon get married, and have a child. His friend, another boy from China, commented that the money would not only last for the lifetime for him and his son, but also for generations into the future. The American boys at the table laughed at the Chinese boys’ ideas. They thought they should use the money for their own fun, and would not like to get married. However, the Chinese students were looking from Chinese point of view, where not only the individual but the entire family name and bloodline is considered. They see a responsibility to their ancestors and to future bloodline that they should have a child. Personally, I like the viewpoint of thinking about multiple generations and not only focusing on the present. I have always been raised by my family to hold this point of view. Without a network of family and close friends, it is hard to survive in China, especially during hard times several decades ago. It is not so easy to get credit, so people rely on their networks to help them make a down payment for a house. Many people lack health insurance, and so if they needed and expensive surgery, they could perhaps ask their closest family and associates for help with money. Furthermore, in hospital, it is not like in America where nurses feed and bathe the  patients. In China, patients’ family members must help with those chores, and nurses usually would not help. As a result of these factors, Chinese people spend a lot of time cultivating their networks by choosing the right gifts on holidays, offering a helping hand when possible, and asking for help when needed. It is fair t o say that in China, if you do not have close connections in your life, including family members, friends, coworkers, then it is almost like you do not exist, according to society’s point of view. On the other hand, if you do have a family, then you feel much more secure and happy. You also get a large amount of your own identity from the group rather from your individual situation. It is important to behave well in society and try to be successful not only for your own sake, but also in order to create a good name for your family. Therefore I think that sometimes even if I do not feel like studying sometimes, I push myself to do so anyway, because if I came to America and did not perfect well in university, then I would create a bad impression on my family, including parents and extended relatives, as well. In fact, Chinese people from Mainland often do not like to spend time alone or to be in secluded places. We tend to like crowds and a lot of excitement and perceive them as safer because it would be harder for criminals to get away with serious crime amid a crowd. I felt strongly this way when I first arrived in America, but now I am getting used to peace and quiet. I have heard that Americans often like to go camping or fishing in order to get away from other people. This concept is a little different from China. I remember showing my mother a picture of our campus and she wanted to know why it looked so lonely. Later I took a photo when more students were out walking, and she seemed to feel much more comforted that I was in a safe place. On the other hand, some Americans have told me they think crowds are more dangerous, because it is easier for thieves to pick pockets or commit other crimes. My immediate and extended family has always been a source of much emotional support for me. My mother has several siblings and they each have children, so I have many aunts, uncles, and cousins. They always ask what I am doing in my life and they give me suggestions. They are not afraid to criticize me  if they feel it is warranted, such as for eating too much junk foods or not studying hard enough. In Chinese culture, these comments would never be taken as offense but instead in a spirit of caring. I always spend much time finding appropriate Chinese New Year gifts for my aunts and uncles as a show of respect. Sometimes the gifts could be as simple as fruit baskets, chocolates, or cake. I just want to show them that I am thinking of them. My family, including parents, aunts, uncles, and cousins, serves as my home base on life. I have always felt that no matter what happened, there is a safe haven with many people who always cared about me. Much of Chinese family culture is expressed over food. If I go to visit one of my aunts and she knew I am coming, then it is sure that she will prepare my favorite noodle dish. Caring is often expressed with food. From my mother and father and several of their siblings and my grandparents, I learned to cook many dishes at a young. I learned mostly at quite a young age. In this way, too, my family has been the biggest influence on my life, as now I cook almost every day and can take care of myself. I do not need to depend on others to cook and I do not have to go to restaurants except for fun. Over meals, much culture gets passed to children as adults talk about what is going on in their lives and how they handle it. They often give advice to children, but it seems to be that there is not as much two-way communications culture as in America and other Western countries. In other words, adults would not often ask children what they think about things. I am sure that I am not the only person who feels that family has been the largest influence in life, and certainly not the only Chinese person with this idea. In fact, when we are away from our families, we try to recreate the experience in some ways. In UC, there are many Chinese students all in the same situation, living away from their home country. We have formed friend groups and often cook together, go to restaurants, or go to other activities. At times, groups of students even go on vacation to New York or Chicago or other locations. As it is in China, most social activities for us here have revolved around eating food. We often chat, give each other advice, and try to help each other to study and make good grades. As vitamin and other health supplements are very popular, we often discuss products  that we have tried or plan to try. Everyone has similar goals and we almost do not even need to say them out loud, because they are widely known. We all come from similar kinds o f families, usually involved in business. Everyone wants to make good grades, be successful, and make their parents happy. My friends are a very important group to me here, but in my overall life, I guess they are not nearly as influential to me as my relatives are. Chinese families were large for many years, sometimes with seven to 10 children. I know that my great grandmother came from a very large family. However, because of overpopulation, China has implemented the one-child policy. Although there are exceptions, the general rule is that only one child is allowed per couple. Now China is becoming a land of spoiled only-children. I often wonder what will happen to China’s family culture and if culture and knowledge will be passed down as efficiently. Many people grow up without uncles, aunts, cousins or, of course, siblings. This seems to be a significant social issue for a country whose character is still collectivist. Perhaps China will make the shift rather quickly to a culture of individualism. Or perhaps they will express collectivism in some other different formats, such as neighborhood groups and volunteer societies. At any rate, eventually rising population of people without close relatives to watch after them as they age will mean a need for more caregiving and health care professionals. There are many aspects that define my life, including my status as a student, family member, and friend. While these are important roles, they do not capture everything about who I am. One element that runs deeper than those items is my culture, most of which I received from relatives. I grew up in China until coming to school at UC. My thinking has certainly been influenced by the time I have spent living abroad, but it nonetheless does continue to be Chinese at the heart. In a Chinese family, your family is almost literally all that you have to depend on in many cases. I am quite thankful that I have a wonderful family.