Sunday, August 25, 2019

Global worming Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Global worming - Assignment Example ok and ensure that there is evidence that can be used against their governments in case the cost of paying for the negative effects of global warming is to be shared out (Ramseur, Parker and Yacobucci, 27). The program is software which can be installed in aircrafts used to monitor weather patterns. From these, sensors built in the aircraft can be used to sense the source of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and the data obtained associated with that of a specific country. The specific needs of this program are the availability of a weather aircraft, a large database of the greenhouse gases produced by every country and powerful computers that can process the information gathered. The alternative solution is to ensure these programs are never affected by internet connection failures. The proposed program is the best solution because it can be mounted on satellites. Hence, the monitoring of greenhouse gases is done throughout the year with data been transmitted back to ground centres. This program works by homogenizing the greenhouse gases emitted and through comparison with the characteristics of the greenhouses stored in the database, it connects the emitted greenhouse to a specific country. The implementation of the program shall be done through the drafting of a resolution which will be ratified by the U. N. member countries for it to be used. The guidelines will be in the resolution whereby each country shall take responsibility for its emissions and undertake measures to reduce the emissions along with the payment of a fine which will be used to explore other means to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The resources needed are several aircrafts or satellite launchers. The aircrafts will have the program installed in them along with sensors. The program can also be launched into space on satellites with sensors that monitor greenhouse gas

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