Monday, September 30, 2019

How does the theme of loneliness affect the friendship and relationships in “Of Mice and Men?” Essay

The novel is set in California in the 1930’s. It is about migrant workers working on a ranch. The novel tells us about two lonely men who travel together. While they are together they carry something inside called â€Å"The American Dream†. It was a dream that one day they would make money and have a place of their own but it was hard because of The Great Depression. The Great Depression was a result of the Wall Street crash which meant economy declined and people worked hard but got low wages. Migrant workers had to travel from ranch to ranch for work and often stayed for a short period of time. Because of their circumstances, life was lonely. Migrant workers led a lonely life, but often factors in the 1930’s prejudice caused people to become lonely. Society discriminated people because of their race, gender, age and often simply because someone was different, which meant if you black, or too old and weak to be useful or if you were a women on a ranch, you could lead a very lonely life. This affects a number of characters in â€Å"Of Mice and Men† Furthermore, some characters isolate themselves from others. Carlson and Crooks do so, in order to protect themselves from the harshness of life. George and Lennie are two men who travel together trying to save money so that one day they can have their little place where Lennie could pet the rabbits and chickens and they can â€Å"live ‘off the fatta the lan†. To an extent George and Lennie understand each other emotionally but are physically different. George is described as having â€Å"strong hands, slender arms, a thin and bony nose†. Whereas Lennie is the opposite, he is, â€Å"a huge man, shapeless of face, with large, pale eyes, with wide, sloping shoulders; and he walked heavily, dragging his feet a little, the way a bear drags his paws†. Steinbeck often compares Lennie to animals which reinforce the wild uncontrollable side of his character. Lennie is like a child in a man’s body. George gives a lot of care for Lennie so he doesn’t get in any trouble like he did in Weed. People thought Lennie was going to rape a girl. Lennie provides George with company and without Lennie, George would probably be an ordinary lonely isolated worker. George and Lennie have a relationship that is almost like father and son, George the father and Lennie the son. George needs Lennie by his side to keep him motivated but he does not like to admit it as we see in the novel, â€Å"If you don’t want me, I can go off in the hills and find a cave. I can go away any time†. George then replies â€Å"No look! I was just foolin’. Lennie cause I want you to stay with me†. George is much more dominant because he has all the control over Lennie and is much cleverer therefore he would know what to do in difficult situations, but on the other hand George is also lonelier because he looks after Lennie who is simple minded. George does not have a friend who is his intellectual equal and makes him even lonelier. â€Å"God a’ mighty, if I was alone I could live so easily. I could get a job an’ work†. Showing us there is an advantage and disadvantage with George having to look after Lennie. Lennie’s shortcoming leads George and Slim to make friends. George confides in Slim in manor that suggests he has not been able to talk with someone who understands him for some time. Migrant workers had a bad way to make relationships with women who they simply paid for sex and because they worked all day they were too tired to make friends or relationship. They moved from place to place which meant they did not have many possessions, just anything they could carry with them. Whit is a good example of the life of a typical migrant worker. He was lonely and found it hard to make friends or relationships with anyone, but when making friends he sees them as very important as his friend Bill, who he reads about in the magazine. Migrant workers went through that sort of lifestyle because they thought â€Å"The American Dream† was something worth working hard for so everyone did their best to accomplish the dream but as Steinbeck illustrates, many failed due to loneliness, they have no motivation or support from anyone so being lonely does not help at all. Slim thinks, â€Å"Everybody in the whole damn world are scared of one and other†. This might be because there is hardly any communication in the ranch. George and Lennie’s â€Å"Dream† was to own a ranch of their own and Lennie to pet rabbits and feed the chickens. It was the ambition that bought them and kept them together. Candy is an old man who has only his dog left in his life. He is not physically strong like the other men so he is useless in the ranch. He gossips a lot because he wants to make himself seem useful and make friends. He is isolated by the other men because he is old and so is his dog. When Candy wants to go in the bunk house he can not leave his dog outside because he loves it, so he brings it in but the other men kick him out. Carlson says, â€Å"God almighty that dog stinks. Get him outta here, Candy! I don’t know nothing that stinks so bad as an old dog. You gotta get him out!† Candy’s dog gets shot because it is old and worthless to the other men. Steinbeck shows us what life is like in the ranch by the dog. The dog gets shot but life continues. This influences George at the end of the novel, Lennie gets shot but life continues. Candy’s dog is a metaphor for Candy’s life and what might happen to him when he becomes useless. Candy is frightened he will lose his job in the ranch and end up with no money because he is old. He then tries to get involved with George and Lennie’s dream so he does not end up with any money. Lennie talks ambitiously about the dream and Candy says, â€Å"An’ they give me two hundred an’ fifty dollars cause I los’ my hand. An’ I got fifty more saved up right in the bank, right now†. He says he could be useful when they buy yhe place and feed the chickens. The dream makes Candy more confident after his dog had got shot. Curley’s Wife’s death made Candy give up hope on the dream because he knew things were not going to work. This happened before Curley’s wife was killed. As readers we feel sorry for Candy because he has nothing left in his life now. At the time of the novel everyone was prejudice and racist to Crooks because he is black. Crooks works in the â€Å"horse stable†. He is not allowed to step in the bunk house with the other men so he is separated and is forced to sleep in the â€Å"horse stable† with the horses. Crooks is independent, one of the loneliest characters in the novel and keeps to himself. He is bitter to other people because of the way he is treated. He is not used to socializing with others. We notice this when Lennie suddenly appears at â€Å"horse stable† to ask Crooks if he could check on his pup and Crooks replies bitterly, â€Å"Well I got a right to have a light. You go an’ get outta my room. I aint wanted in the bunk house and you aint wanted in my room†. Crooks carries this attitude because of all the racism that went on. He then says, â€Å"Cause I’m black they say I stink. Well, I tell you, you all stink to me†. Lennie tells Crooks about the dream and Crooks starts getting friendlier because he becomes interested on what the dream is about. All of a sudden Curley’s wife steps in and asks for Curley but then ends up talking about Lennie’s dream. Crooks sticks up for himself and tells her to go out of his barn or he will tell the boss to never let her in. Curley’s wife intimidates Crooks saying, â€Å"Well, you keep your place then, Nigger. I could get you stung up on a tree so easily it ain’t even funny†. It shows how Curley’s wife made Crooks bitter and all to himself again just when he started to have a bit of faith in people. Curley’s wife is the only women living in the ranch. We never know her name in the novel, she is only described as Curley’s wife and Steinbeck clearly does this to show she is his possession and she does not have any freedom. Because of this she lives a life of loneliness with no friendships with anyone other than Curley. The other women in the novel are Sussy, Clara and Aunt Clara. Susy and Clara both run a whorehouse each but Susy’s whorehouse is more successful. Aunt Clara used to give Lennie mice to pet. And What does this tell us about men and women in that society? Curley’s wife puts make up on and has her hair neat. â€Å"She had full, roughed lips and wide spaced eyes, heavily made up. Her fingernails were red. Her hair hung in little rolled clusters, like sausages. She wore a cotton house dress and red mules, on the insteps of which were little bouquets of red ostrich feathers†. Steinbeck describes Curley’s wife with the colour red because red is the most emotionally intense colour and the colour of love and blood. It also symbolizes danger which comes at the end of the novel when Lennie kills her. Curley’s wife also stands in a very sexy manner as Steinbeck illustrates she put her hands back and leaned against the door frame so that her body was thrown forward and she then says, â€Å"You’re the new fellas that just come, ain’t ya?†. The men in the ranch call her different names. Candy says â€Å"Well, I think Curley’s married a tart†. George says, â€Å"Jesus what a tramp†. Whit calls her a â€Å"bitch†. She is a very lonely woman so she acts very sexy towards the other men in order to get attention because she has no friends. Curley imposes her loneliness on her. He doesn’t like her being in the ranch with the other men and so she is lonely because is not entitled to friendship. In the novel the men say she is a tart but I think she is just lonely and wants attention. As readers we feel a lot of sympathy for her. Curley’s wife had a dream too. She says she could have been a star because she met a man in the movie business. â€Å"He says he was gonna put me in the movies, said I was a natural†. She also says â€Å"Coulda been in the movies, an’ had nice clothes†, but her mother stole a letter she was expecting so she could be a movie star. She ends up marrying Curley and becomes a woman in a ranch affected by â€Å"loneliness†. Curley’s wife’s death is significant to the other characters because it changes everyone. George knew Curley’s wife’s death was a mistake by Lennie. Lennie got very scared and panicked. Candy was confused and did not know what was going to happen next. Curley wanted revenge. Lennie and Curley’s wife are both very lonely people affected by loneliness because they are both one of a kind, Lennie being simple minded and Curley’s wife being the only woman in the ranch. They are both two people in the novel that can not communicate with any one else well in the novel because no one can understand their unique personalities. Lennie and Curley’s wife find themselves alone right after Lennie killed his pup. Lennie did not want to talk to Curley’s wife because George said, â€Å"she is nothing but trouble†. Eventually they both start talking friendly amongst each other. Curley’s wife shares a secret with Lennie. She tells him something she has not told any one. She says, â€Å"I don’t like Curley. He’s not a nice fella†. We find out that she does not even like Curley so she’s even lonelier then us as readers thought. Lennie tells Curley’s wife he likes to touch and feel velvet and anything that is soft. Curley’s wife lets Lennie stroke her hair because it is soft. Lennie says, â€Å"Oh! That’s nice†. He gets carried away and starts stroking harder. Curley’s wife yells out â€Å"stop†. Lennie panics and covers her mouth and nose with his big hand. He accidentally kills her. Steinbeck shows us that the death of Curley’s wife and Lennie are both due to loneliness. As readers we are affected by their death because we can se what excess of too much loneliness can come to. We also feel very sorry for Curley’s wife because she could have had a much better life being a movie star but ended up in the wrong environment and now, dead. The life she led was unfair. We feel sorry for Lennie because he does not realise what he does and George has no choice but as a good friend, George shot Lennie. George also learnt that its better he shot as a favour of a good friend than to have Curley to kill him with revenge. As soon as George saw Curley’s wife’s body he knew Lennie had committed a big mistake. Candy lost hope in the â€Å"dream† because he knew things were not going to work out, whereas everyone else got their guns and wanted to kill Lennie. Steinbeck shows us that all the characters in â€Å"Of Mice and Men† are affected by loneliness in one way or another. As readers we learn from the novel that loneliness can lead to death. We learn we should not choose to be lonely. We are all alone in this huge universe so companionship should be treasured.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

External environmental factors affecting the organized retail industry Essay

The external environmental factors affecting the organized retail industry in india are as follows: †¢Demographical Environment – The important environmental factor that need proper and continuous monitoring called Demographical Environment. Demography is the study of population and its characteristics. Even India has over millions of retail outlet, it still has a long way to go with the international standard of retail industry †¢Cultural Environment – they influence the consumer’s beliefs, art, morals, laws, custom. India’s large and dynamic size and economical and cultural diversity which had lead to no proper model or consumption pattern throughout the country. The main challenge the retail industry in India faces is of diverse strategies for different sectors and segments. †¢Social Environment – it has the maximum effect on consumes. Social environment changes the habbits of people. In India brands like Dettol have a higher impact on people because of its burning sensation. Maggi noodles are more of convenient food in Indian Market than a staple food. †¢Legal and Political Environment – Government plays a great role in moderating the role of business in the society through legislation. The legal frame work for relationship between business and consumer is designed to encourage a competitive marketing system to employ and adhere to best business practices. †¢Economic Environment – depends on the type of economic system in which the consumer makes purchases. Oil companies in India have dome compaings when oil prices went high, where they gave tips on how to cut on fuel consumption. Shortages sometimes forces marketers to be allocators of limited supplies. †¢Natural Environment – the finite and non-renewable natural resources are being consumed very fast and there is little likelihood. The resources such as fuel and gasoline are heading towards a big crisis. The supreme court of India has banned the list of industries in New Delhi. The government instead of being a facilitator for industrial growth is promoting industries which are creating less pollution.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Individualism and Collectivism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Individualism and Collectivism - Essay Example Societies characterized as collectivist are commonly communist or communal societies. Democratic society is more or less based on individualism, and how as individuals we are all free to decide our own path and determine our own fates. These days, we all say that the individual has the right to decide how to live their own lives, and individuals, societies, or institutions should not be allowed to interfere. A common argument against individualism is that it is little more than selfishness or egotism. However, individualism is more about providing personal choices rather than explicitly providing benefit to individuals. Perhaps the most glaringly obvious downside to this is that the increasing emphasis on the importance of the individual has by necessity occurred in conjunction with de-emphasis on the importance of community. In deciding that we are free to determine our fates regardless of any other considerations, we have lost that feeling of community that used to be considered so important. Too many people have stopped believing they have any responsibility to their wider community, and this is reflected in increasing crime rates, especially of violent crime.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Monopolistic behavior of facbook, is it a monopoly Essay

Monopolistic behavior of facbook, is it a monopoly - Essay Example 3). A monopoly refers to a market with only one seller of a particular good or service. A monopoly is characterized by a single seller in the market and, therefore, no competition. In connection to this, the seller makes abnormal profits as a result of market domination. Abnormal profits are realized because there are many buyers in the market, and the seller is the price maker. Moreover, the seller controls the good or service prices in that market; there is information asymmetry; consumers do not have complete information; the product does not have close substitutes and there are barriers to entry. (Sexton 332) An oligopoly is a market that is dominated by few sellers. It has two to ten firms in the business competing with each other. Oligopoly mostly results from collusion where several firms come together to form a single firm and, therefore, reduce competition. Oligopolies compete on the basis of prices, technological innovation, quantity, reputation, or advertising. Oligopolies are characterized by few firms in the business such that the actions of one firm influence those of another. The products may be homogenous or differentiated; there is non-price competition where firms compete on other terms apart from prices including differentiated products, loyalty schemes or advertisement; oligopolistic firm are so large that their individual actions affect the market conditions; the firms have perfect information, but buyers have imperfect information. (Sexton 332-333). From the description Facebook is not a pure monopoly since there are other firms in the business as twitter, LinkedIn and MySpace among others. It would be considered a leading oligopoly since collusion and acquisition of other firms has given it an advantage over other social network firms. However given the recent efforts example buying Oculus Rift and WhatsApp there is concern that this

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Why might democracies be more peaceful in their relations with each Essay - 1

Why might democracies be more peaceful in their relations with each other than with state that are not democracies - Essay Example A State is formed when a group of people organize themselves and decide to live together peacefully in society on the bases of common goals, identity, ancestry, language, culture, religion, ethnicity, history, customs, and territory. Society may also be defined as a broad grouping of people living in a common area and having common traditions, institutions, activities, and interests (Laswell and Kaplan 1960). The family is the basic unit of society, and a family is formed when two or more human beings decide to live together to pursue common goals. From these commonly accepted definitions can be distinguished one characteristic that defines families, societies, and states: they share common interests. Social scientists have observed that, normally, sharing common interests help people to live together peacefully, because each one is different and unique in terms of capabilities. Through personal experience, people learn that they cannot do everything, so they have to depend on each other. In the process, they realize they cannot have everything, so they surrender some of the things they want to get others they want more or that would help them survive. In society and among States, the balance of power between two or more agents is what ultimately decides their courses of action. The same holds true for nations and States, which is why until now, wars are fought and peace has been elusive. It has been only some sixty years since a bloody world war was fought, and less than two decades since the Cold War ended (Kennedy 1999). These show that more than common interests and balance of power, there is a third factor that governs the relationships among States: ideologies. An ideology is "a set of ideas that are in some logical way related to one another" (Ranney 2001, p. 69-70). Macridis (1992) suggested four criteria to distinguish ideologies from ideas: comprehensiveness, pervasiveness, extensiveness, and intensiveness. Ideologies that are well-developed contain five basic components: values, vision of the ideal polity, conception of human nature, strategy of action, and political tactics. Among the well-known ideologies (Ranney counted at least fifty-five, mostly ending in -ism), this discussion focuses on democracy, one of the most difficult to understand and define because many along the wide spectrum of political ideologies use it to support their aspirations, from left-wing Communists to right-wing Fascists, from liberals to conservatives. What is Democracy Ranney (2001, p. 95) defines democracy as a "form of government organized in accordance with the principles of popular sovereignty, political equality, popular consultation, and majority rule." This definition specifies that there are four principles of democracy (p. 96-98). The principle of popular sovereignty requires that "the ultimate power to make political decisions is vested in all the people rather than in some of them or one of them". The principle of political equality requires that "each adult citizen has the same opportunity as every other adult citizen to participate in the political decision-making process"; this is also known as the "one person, one vote" principle. The popular consultation principle has two requirements: first, there should be an institutional machinery through

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

UNIT 4 IP Portion of GP Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

UNIT 4 IP Portion of GP - Term Paper Example lysis is used for various purposes: segmenting the markets and determining target markets, product positioning and new product development and selecting test markets. Cluster analysis is used in many restaurants, especially those that cater to people of different race. As in America, people of different races frequent famous restaurants. Thus, the cluster technique can be used to segment the market into these different races. The owners and managers then can specifically suit the need the specific race as to their eating habits and their tastes. Factor analysis is also used by business especially to analyze a large volume of measurements and to search for their interrelationships. â€Å"A restaurant chain might gather and conduct factor analysis for a large volume of data on consumer preferences in order to determine the relative importance of portion size, pricing, and perceived quality† (LoveToKnow, Corp.). On the other hand, multi-dimensional scaling is used â€Å"to detect meaningful underlying dimensions that allow the researcher to explain observed similarities or dissimilarities (distances) between the investigated objects† (StatSoft, Inc). Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. (2009, September 2). Retrieved November 5, 2009, from

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Finance-Whether to undertake a project or not Research Paper - 1

Finance-Whether to undertake a project or not - Research Paper Example Ford Motors well established business attracts a great deal of consumer base irrespective of demography. The primary business of the company comprises of high end state of the art cars both for the individual as well as for the industrial use. The company, through its resilient and effective marketing tactics, has able to capture significant market shares in the automotive industry worldwide. Following is an extract from the financial statement of the company which presents the movement in the market share of the company for the current financial year of 2011 The company divides its revenue into two broad segments which are through automotive and through financial services. The automotive structure is further divided into four segments of 1) Ford North America, 2) Ford South America, 3) Ford Europe, and 4) Ford Asia Pacific Africa. Whereas, the ford financial services are divided into 1) Ford Credit, and 2) Other Financial Services. The company has improved its asset allocation strategy and has also rejuvenated its business strategy and global competitive strategy. The proactive approach has resulted in an increase of 5.7% in sales revenue from the automotive and financial services business. The financial year 2011 proved to be another progressive year for Ford Motor Company. During the current year, the company’s revenue increased by 5.7% during the current year to an impressive $136,264 million which has caused the operating profit to increase by a staggering 21%. The company, following its growth strategy, aspires transform its operation into multi channel business. The company has taken major steps in investing its direct sales business which enhanced the revenue during the current financial year. In addition, the company is actively following its strategy of refurbishing its plants and giving them a new and improved look. The refurbishment has resulted in an

Monday, September 23, 2019

Law of Obligations 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Law of Obligations 1 - Essay Example "an agreement giving rise to obligations which are enforced or recognised by the law. The factor which distinguishes contractual from other legal obligations is that they are based on the agreement of contracting parties". (Trietel 2003) "An expression of willingness to contract made with an intention (actual or apparent)that it shall become binding on the offerer as soon as it is accepted by the person to whom it is addressed..and an acceptance "is a final and unqualified acceptance of the terms of an offer."(Cracknel 2001).Because of the interaction of the offer and its acceptance a validly enforceable contract between Andrew and Billy has been formed. Next, as the facts of the question state, right before Billy delivered the equipment Andrew changed his mind to having wireless enabled computers, and not the wired ones specified in the contract. He asked Billy to let him have the more expensive, wireless enabled computers rather than the ones they had agreed upon. The question which arises at this point is whether Billy can subsequently claim the extra 500. The courts are likely to view this 500 discount within the realm of the traditional definition of consideration , bearing the detriment/benefit dichotomy (Cracknell 2001).Consideration has been defined as " either some right ,interest ,profit, or benefit accruing to the one party or some forbearance ,detriment ,loss or responsibility given suffered or undertaken by the other".1 Andrew has offered Billy a practical monetary benefit which amounts to sufficient consideration to "close the deal"2. The court will not concern itself with the value of the consideration i.e. "consideration must be sufficient but not necessarily adequate"3.Therefore Billy cannot challenge the price of this transaction as it is up to him to go London as often as he likes and use the internet there for free at his caf. The waiver of fee in the internet caf is a monetary advantage no matter how inadequate it may seem in business terms and the courts will uphold this arrangement. Therefore in my opinion Billy will not be able to claim this 500 discount. The Claim for 2000 Although Billy will not able to claim the 500 discount , but when Andrew asks Billy to accept 8,000 instead of 10,000 in full settlement, this becomes a case of breach of contract. The payment of 10000 was an express term of the contract and by his refusal to pay he is breaching the contract. This means there is a breach of contract because Billy has performed his part of the contract and Andrew is avoiding his performance i.e. the payment of 10000.Therefore Billy will be able to repudiate the contract and get back his equipment as well as damages for any depreciation in the value of the equipment as well as any wasted expenditure.4 However Andrew has not totally refused payment. He is offering a partial amount of the payment in settlement of the debt because he feels that he will have financial difficulties. Billy accepts this money fearing that Andrew is going bankrupt. The acceptance should technically mean that he should not be allowed to claim back his 2000 .In this regard I would

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Skills of Social Work-Fact Finding Essay Example for Free

Skills of Social Work-Fact Finding Essay There are also factual questions involving the law, such as: What exactly are the procedures for removing an elected official from office? Who owns a particular piece of land? What are the legal rights that citizens have when accused of a crime? Moreover, whenever we do fact finding as student social workers, we need to look into; 1. Demography How many people live in this area? † is clearly a major factor in determining the demand for the particular problem. Other questions concern the density (how many people per square kilometer? and the age and sex distribution. How many elderly or sick people who may be handicapped in getting this problem? What are the rates for births and deaths (if known) and how do these compare to national figures? What are the rates and patterns of migration (is it seasonal or permanent? are the people moving in from other areas? ). These comparisons are important, as we need to know how typical any particular area is. 2. Environment â€Å"What is the physical area that we are dealing with? Is this clearly marked or should-it be arbitrarily defined? What resources (especially land, soils, and vegetation) are available? What is known about climate, water, slopes, drainage? 3. Historical â€Å"There are two good reasons for knowing at least the general outline of local history recognizing the significance of important places and major persons. First, the present can only be understood in relation to the past and second, local people regard their history as important, so it is both expedient and courteous to know something about significant events. 4. Community† We are studying a community of people, the most important part of which is the relatively stable set of relationships between the people relationships between men and women, old and young, neighbours, kinsmen, in-laws, landlords and tenants, rich and poor, and so on. 5. Domestic â€Å"It should be possible to make a rough typology of households, a term which although sometimes vague, is better than family or farm. Household may usually be defined as a group of people that shares a common kitchen (or cooking place) and that recognizes one household head. The purpose of this is to establish the range and extent of inequality and variation on a particular problem. 6. Social  and  Economic â€Å"This category seeks further information on differentiation how is access to land defined and who controls/owns the land? How many are landless or near landless, how many rent land? 7. Political-Administrative â€Å"What are the formal and informal channels of authority? What are the links to the regional (and national) centers of power? What is the extent of-local participation in making decisions? What laws, regulations, and local informal, sanctions affect on the exits problems in the community. † On the other hand, it needs to look into some techniques adopted for fact finding. Which are as documentation, formal hearing, action research, demonstration projects, keeping abreast, need assessment, and programme identification on fact finding to find and know the root causes of the problems in the community. Fact finding techniques 1. Documentation Documentation is very important in order to keep the data of any particular problems of the community with exact facts of the problems, time, and year. Documentation can be done by note on paper, video record, and Microsoft words files so that even the next generation can see what were the main problems in the community and they will understand about the past events of the particular community. Doing documentation is for guide to implement action plan towards the particular problems for the development of the community. For example, documentation can be done by doing interview, home visit, looking into the historical background of the community, and by approaching to the head of the community to collect information about the community. And, the other example, if the community faces the problem of water crisis, here we need to look into â€Å"why, how, and when does it happen? † is important to know and how far it effect means its magnitude towards the community people, so, these are needed to list down to do documentation for programme implementation. 2. Formal hearing It is the important thing to know and ask how people in the community feel on particular problems, it means that it needs people concern on the particular problems which exists in the community for action plan and programme implementation. After doing documentation, it needs to ask people opinions, ideas, and solutions for problem solving process so that the people will feel that this or that is problems in the community, and they will accept particular problem as their problem in the community. Here, student social worker needs to apply the principles of people participation, start with what they know and have, and teach them by showing and learn by doing in order to get people concern and participation for problem solving process. For example, school dropout is happening in the community, but may be the community people may feel that this is not their problem, for that the student social worker needs to make them aware that this is problem in the community by showing them the disadvantages of school dropout and how do school dropout affect to the children future, and when the community people accept school dropout as their problem, the student social worker needs to make them to link with the available resources for reducing the rate of the school dropout and to stop school dropout in the community. For that, the student social worker can give awareness programme on the importance of education for children. 3. Action research The term action research means doing research with some types of action programmes for the betterment of the community. Action research is a research initiated to solve an immediate problem or a reflective process of progressive problem solving led by individuals working with others in teams or as part of a community of practice to improve the way they address issues and solve problems. Action research involves the process of actively participating in an organization change situation whilst conducting research. Action research can also be undertaken by larger organizations or institutions, assisted or guided by professional researchers, with the aim of improving their strategies, practices and knowledge of the environments within which they practice. As designers and stakeholders, researchers work with others to propose a new course of action to help their community improve its work practices. For example, for school dropout problem in the community, here action research talks about to seek the way or strategies to approach to solve the immediate problem. Therefore, student social worker needs to seek that way that may be it is good to approach to the head of the community as first step or it will be better to do awareness programme first, and in secondly, may be the student social worker will seek for the available resources to make them link with the resources which can handle their current needs or problem. 4. Demonstration projects The demonstration projects mean that to find out whether the certain programme will work for the particular issue or problem and how and how much effective the particular programme is in solving the problems. It needs to identify and analysis on the programme to know whether it will work or it needs to change for solving the problem in the community. It needs to demonstrate on the projects or programme which will be implemented to solve the occurring problems in the community whether it will be effective towards the problem or not, if it is not effective than it needs to change the progamme and its objectives, action plan, and goal to seek for the better programme to solve the problem. For example, in the case of school dropout, the student social worker decides to conduct awareness programme on the importance of education, but actually when the student social worker demonstrate on the programme, he realizes that it needs to do home visit and survey as the first step to find out the facts and after that he may conduct awareness programme. 5. Keeping abreast The term keeping abreast means that to keep on giving information about new development, new information regard to certain subjects. This word means that to keep on providing and giving new and up-to-date information regard with certain problem in order to have good footstep in solving the problem effectively. For example, in some cases and problems, the process of the problems are changing may be because problems are dynamic from one place to other in nature because of culture transmission, because of news etc so, that it needs to update the information to take good action for solving the problems. 6. Need assessment It is very important to seek and know the real needs of the community to have ffective programme for problem solving in the community as professional social worker. It means to implement programme in time or the in the time of need, correct time, and place, with specific objectives and programme. For example, the student social worker needs to see into the needs of the community people rather than his needs. 7. Programme identification For the last point, it is programme identification process. It me ans that it needs to indentify and analysis on the programme whether it works and full fill the needs of the people. In the process of programme identification, it focuses on to identify how much the programme will effect towards the problem, and what will be needed to solve the problems. For example, in the case of the school dropout, the student social worker needs to identify on the awareness programme that â€Å"does the awareness programme on importance of education work to reduce the rate of school dropout in the community†, if it still needs more action than, the student social worker needs to seek the way by corporation with the community people to get the better solution for that. Conclusion As student social worker, the technique of fact finding is very important in order to find the root cause of the problems in the particular community to take action plan with specific objectives and programme implementation for the betterment or progress of the community. Fact finding is an extremely important component of the communication process which presents its own special set of problems and opportunities to people working to increase the constructiveness of intractable problems conflicts in the community. Therefore, it is very important to collect the real facts of the particular problem in the community to take effective action and programme implementation for solving the problems. For fact finding group interview is very important also because a short-cut method of rapidly gathering data is to interview groups rather than individuals. This method presents problems of representativeness, since any group chosen is unlikely to represent a true cross-section of the local population, though attempts should be made to include individuals of different socio-economic status. The knowledge and experience of several individuals may serve as checks on information given by each others. And, questionnaires are a popular method of data collection. The advantages of using a questionnaire are well-known: data can be collected quickly on specific items; these data can be easily transferred into forms allowing quantified and computerized analyses; and data collection tasks can be delegated to less expensive field staff. Questionnaires also compel the adoption of some organized structure upon data collection, but will be most effective when used by someone who can support and test the questionnaire findings with personal observations and insights and knowledge. Using questionnaires is one means of recording data, but it is not the only means and it is not adequate to not cover all the information required.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Roman and Byzantine Essay Example for Free

Roman and Byzantine Essay Between 200 B.C.E. and 1100 C.E. some aspects of cultural and political life changed between the Roman and Byzantine Empire while, other aspects continued. The aspects that continued politically are strong centralized political system, with an emperor overseeing. The aspects that changed politically are the way provinces of the empire were ruled. The aspects that continued culturally are the wealth, trade dependence, and pride. The aspects that changed are the religion, language, and military defense. Political aspects continued between the Roman and Byzantine Empire. The aspects that continued are the bureaucratic government and centralized political system with the emperor ruling everything. The Romans started this slightly during the reign of Julius Caesar, Caesar became a dictator and started this type of government in 47 B.C.E. after he was assassinated by his enemies. Julius’s grand-nephew Octavian Caesar rose up, defeated Julius’s enemies, and took over as the first emperor of Rome, renaming himself Augustus Caesar in 27 B.C.E. Augustus continued the type of government his uncle started where he as the emperor oversees all social, political, economic, religious, and military. The Byzantines took this cue from their predecessor and continued it by having such great emperors such as Justinian (527-656 C.E.) or Constantine (306-337 C.E.) who oversaw the whole Byzantine Empire and made decisions that allowed the empire to prosper. Another political aspect the Romans’ started was the standard of law which was continued by the Byzantines. Although the Byzantine Empire continued these political aspects of the Roman Empire, they changed some aspects.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Gingko Biloba and Hypericum Peforatum Uses

Gingko Biloba and Hypericum Peforatum Uses 1.0 Gingko biloba Ginkgo biloba is an herb extracted from the leaves of the tree. It has been traditionally used for improvement of blood flow (vasodilation), protection of cells from oxidative damage (antioxidation) and enhancement of memory and concentration. The herb is known to induce CYP450 enzymes such as CYP2C9, CYP2C19 and CYP2B, changing the metabolism of several drugs.2 Hence, concomitant intake of some drugs with Ginkgo may give rise to herb-drug interactions which can cause serious adverse effect. 1.1 Antiepileptic drugs A recent pharmacogenetic study with 18 volunteers revealed significant inductive effect of CYP2C19 by Ginkgo. Omeprazole which has CYP2C9 activity was used as a substrate. The results demonstrated that Ginkgo decreased the AUC of omeprazole by a significant amount. Besides, the plasma concentrations of omeprazole and its metabolite were reduced by almost 30% when compared to controls. From the results obtained, it might be deduced that Ginkgo reduces serum concentrations of antiepileptic drugs which are substrates of CYP2C19 like phenytoin, phenobarbital and diazepam.3 Ginkgo might also induce CYP2B activity. According to study by Kubota et al 2004, Ginkgo was shown to reduce the hypnotic potency of phenobarbital (50 mg/kg) in rats. The maximum plasma concentration and AUC of phenobarbital were reduced by 40% and 20%, respectively. These might be due to induction of CYP2B activity by Ginkgo since phenobarbital is a substrate for CYP2B in rats, leading to the possible herb-drug interaction.3 Study also shows that Ginkgo contains a potent neurotoxin, which is a vitamin B6 derivative. It is also known as Ginkgotoxin or 4-O-methopridoxine.2, 3 The neurotoxin is said to be responsible for the seizure activity. It is a competitive antagonist of pyridoxil phosphate which is a coenzyme of the glutamate decarboxylase. Inhibition of this coenzyme inhibits the GABA synthesis. This interaction might hence diminish the effect of antiepileptic drugs. 1.2 Anticoagulants medication One of the concerns associated with Ginkgo is the increase risk of bleeding. Several cases have been reported when taking Ginkgo and anticoagulant drugs like aspirin and warfarin simultaneously. The proposed mechanism of bleeding caused by Ginkgo is via the action of ginkgolide B. According to Smith et al. 1996, Ginkgolide B is a component of Ginkgo which acts as a platelet-activating factor (PAF) antagonist. It is reported to displace PAF from its receptor- binding site, thus inhibiting PAF and results in reduced platelet aggregation and eventually bleeding. Nevertheless, some clinical studies have shown that Ginkgo does not decrease PAF-mediated platelet aggregation as well as prothrombin times.4 Warfarin is metabolised by CYP2C9 enzymes. An in vitro study by Gaudineau et al. 2004 stated that Ginkgo inhibits CYP450 enzymes, mainly CYP2C9. Hence, it is possible that this inhibition might lead to increase in warfarin levels and subsequently greater anticoagulant action. However, there are some contradicting studies which reported that Ginkgo induces rather than inhibits hepatic CYP, including (S)-warfarin hydroxylase. It is also reported that bilobalide found in terpene trilactone fraction of Ginkgo is responsible for the induction. This will thus reduce the efficacy of anticoagulants rather than enhancing the anticoagulant action.4 It remains unclear whether Ginkgolide B increase bleeding and whether Ginkgo potentiates or decreases the anticoagulant effect of warfarin in vivo. Nevertheless, it is recommended that for patients on warfarin or other anticoagulants therapy to not take ginkgo-containing products due to a possible risk of serious bleeding. 2.0 Hypericum Peforatum (St. John’s Wort) St. Johns Wort preparations may interact with medicines either by increasing the rate of their metabolism or increasing levels of neurotransmitters. 2.1 Drugs metabolized by CYP-450 St. John’s Wort interferes with metabolism of drugs by inducing some CYP450 enzymes in the liver and gut. For instance, the main enzyme affected is CYP3A4, as well as 1A2 and 2C9. This results in decrease in blood levels and efficacy of some drug metabolised by CYP450 enzyme. The principle behind the induction might be due to presence of hyperforin, which is a component of St. John’s Wort. A study by Moore et al. has shown that hyperforin activates a CYP3A4 regulator transcription. This activation thus induces CYP3A4 expression in human liver cells, thus increase the metabolic rate of drugs and subsequently decrease in therapeutic level. It can be deduced that St. John’s Wort inhibits CYP3A4 acutely and induces this enzyme upon repeated administration based on a systematic review.5 An example of this herb-drug interaction is St. John’s Wort and antiretroviral drugs such as protease inhibitors (PI) and nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTI). St. John’s Wort has been shown to decrease plasma concentrations of the drugs by CYP3A4 induction. The effects may also be due to induction of P-glycoprotein. For instance, there was a significant reduction in concentrations of indinavir when taken concurrently with St. John’s Wort in an open-label study.5 This will lead to loss of viral control or development of virus resistance. 2.2 Antidepressants medication St. Johns Wort also increases the neurotransmitter levels in the brain particularly serotonin through additive effect on selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) antidepressants such as fluoxetine and paroxetine. These interactions may lead to mental state changes, sweating, increased blood pressure and motor effects due to increase in serotonin level. Studies have demonstrated that St Johns Wort inhibits the synaptosomal uptake of certain neurotransmitters. It inhibits the uptake of 5-HT, noradrenaline, dopamine, glutamate and GABA. This action is not related to specific binding of the St. John’s Wort to the different transporter molecules, but associated with mechanisms related to Na+ conductive pathways.6 It is found that chronic administration of St. John’s Wort downregulates ÃŽ ²1-adrenoceptors and upregulates postsynaptic 5-HT1A receptors. Nevertheless, the study shows St. John Wort’s upregulates 5-HT2 receptors unlike other antidepressants.6 References xxxx Kupiec T, Raj V. Fatal Seizures Due to Potential Herb-Drug Interactions with Ginkgo Biloba. Journal of Analytical Toxicology 2005 Oct; 29:755-58 Landmark CJ, Patsalos PN. Interactions between antiepileptic drugs and herbal medicines. Bol. Latinoam. Caribe Plant. Med. Aromaticas 2008; 7(2):109-18 Takia Y, Yokotania K, Yamadab S, Shinozukac K, Kubotad Y, Watanabed Y, Umegakia K. Ginkgo biloba extract attenuates warfarin-mediated anticoagulation through induction of hepatic cytochrome P450 enzymes by bilobalide in mice. Phytomedicine 2012 Jan 15; 19(2):177-82 Hammerness P, Basch E, Ulbricht C, Barrette EP, Foppa I, Basch S, Bent S, Boon H, Ernst E. St. John’s Wort: A Systematic Review of Adverse Effects and Drug Interactions for the Consultation Psychiatrist. Psychosomatics 2003 July- Aug; 44(4):271-82 Carloa GD, Borrellia F, Izzoa AA, Ernst E. Is St Johns wort a ‘Prozac-like’ herbal antidepressant? Trends in Pharmacological Sciences 2001Nov 1; 22(11):559

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Essay --

Name: Salma Atef ID: 116741 Module Title: Comparative Politics Module Leader: Dr. Gamal Selim Research Paper Topic: The role of military in non-democratic/ authoritarian systems Due Date: 19th of December, 2013 The Role of military in Non-Democratic States The role of military extensively varies from one country to another in light of the country’s military institution. In addition, it is characterized by its various fundamental duties, which is: firstly, to enhance the means of protection of the country’s borders from both, external and internal (domestic) threats which can possibly put the country in an ominous situation, and secondly, to meddle in urgent political affairs. In other words, to intervene in politics and take a step in to help redeem the situation, to some extent this can be held for a period of time or for a lifetime. In light of the military’s intervention which occurred in Turkey for several years, it is in fact in the interest of Egypt to be ruled under a military rule for the sake of stability and achieving the state’s goals yet it cannot be guaranteed. This paper will examine the role of military in two countries. The two case studies used are Egypt and Turkey (being used as a role mod el). Chiefly, the paper will be divided into three sections: the first section will assiduously define the principle of military interventions in general as well as mention its importance and under what conditions is it necessary to intervene. Whereas the second section will comprehensibly discuss and inspect the approach (methods) that Turkey had taken to result in such a democratic development after the coup d’Ã ©tat (1980); this was the third coup on Turkey, and thus it had several negative effects on its economy. ... ...ary and the Egyptian Revolution. Retrieved from: Roberts, H. (2012). What Happened to Democracy in Turkey? A Beacon of hope in the Middle East is plunging into twilight. Retrieved from: Schwartz, D. (2013). Egypt’s ‘Dangerous precedent’ and Turkey’s history of Coups. Retrieved from: Surtees, J. (2011). ‘Turkey is not a free Country’. Retrieved from: Tachau, F. & Heper, M. (1983). The state, politics, and the military in Turkey. Comparative Politics, Vol. 16 (No.1), pp., 17-33.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Great Expectations Essay example -- Great Expectations Essays

The Mannequin The novel Great Expectations by Charles Dickens is one of unrequited love and the desperation for elitism for Pip, a poor orphan boy. Pip is starstruck by Estella, the haughty and cruel, even violent, â€Å"daughter† of a rich and eccentric elderly woman named Miss Havisham. Miss Havisham controls and teaches Estella instructions to break the hearts of men as her own personal vendetta against all men after her love for a man is unrequited. Estella has no feelings and even admits that she has â€Å"†¦ not bestowed [her] tenderness anywhere† (251). Despite her cruel attitude and disinterest in him, she serves as the most significant beacon in Pip’s life in attaining his goal of becoming a gentleman and breaking free from his poor and lowly life. With Miss Havisham’s control upon her, Estella’s detached emotionless nature and cold arrogance shine through and show how she pilots Pip’s desperation in attempting to reach her and his change in becoming an arrogant gentleman. Firstly, a recognizable characteristic of Estella is her dispassionate nature. Miss Havisham and Estella are polar opposites. Estella’s â€Å"mother† loves her in an eccentric way, lavishing her with fondness and sweet murmurings of â€Å"[b]reak their hearts, my pride and hope, break their hearts and have no mercy!† (100). Their moods are so â€Å"contradictory of one another,† Pip is left â€Å"puzzled [of] what to say or do† (100). Since they feel opposite emotions and Estella cannot feel love, for she has â€Å"never bestowed†¦ tenderness anywhere,† and coldly rejects Pip’s feelings for her, she may feel absolutely nothing but the desire to hurt (251). After treating Pip so condescendingly when giving him food, she looks at Pip â€Å"with a quick delight in having been the cause of [the... ...use she is common (132). Like him, Biddy has unrequited adoration, but for Pip himself. Through this, Estella’s importance shines and shows how important she is to Pip. Ultimately, the only reason Pip desires to be a gentleman is â€Å"on her account† (136). Pip â€Å"[loves] her against reason†¦ against happiness, [and] against all discouragement,† despite her being heartless and to â€Å"have no heart,† Estella is the most influential person in Pip’s life (246 and 251). Without her superiority and emotional detachment, Pip will not strive in his passionate desperation to attain her. Despite, not having human feelings such as love and compassion, Pip â€Å"[loves] her simply because [he] found her irresistible† and declares passionately to be â€Å"a part of [his] existence†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (245). His bildungsroman is based on his unrequited love for her, for there will no Pip if there is no Estella. Great Expectations Essay example -- Great Expectations Essays The Mannequin The novel Great Expectations by Charles Dickens is one of unrequited love and the desperation for elitism for Pip, a poor orphan boy. Pip is starstruck by Estella, the haughty and cruel, even violent, â€Å"daughter† of a rich and eccentric elderly woman named Miss Havisham. Miss Havisham controls and teaches Estella instructions to break the hearts of men as her own personal vendetta against all men after her love for a man is unrequited. Estella has no feelings and even admits that she has â€Å"†¦ not bestowed [her] tenderness anywhere† (251). Despite her cruel attitude and disinterest in him, she serves as the most significant beacon in Pip’s life in attaining his goal of becoming a gentleman and breaking free from his poor and lowly life. With Miss Havisham’s control upon her, Estella’s detached emotionless nature and cold arrogance shine through and show how she pilots Pip’s desperation in attempting to reach her and his change in becoming an arrogant gentleman. Firstly, a recognizable characteristic of Estella is her dispassionate nature. Miss Havisham and Estella are polar opposites. Estella’s â€Å"mother† loves her in an eccentric way, lavishing her with fondness and sweet murmurings of â€Å"[b]reak their hearts, my pride and hope, break their hearts and have no mercy!† (100). Their moods are so â€Å"contradictory of one another,† Pip is left â€Å"puzzled [of] what to say or do† (100). Since they feel opposite emotions and Estella cannot feel love, for she has â€Å"never bestowed†¦ tenderness anywhere,† and coldly rejects Pip’s feelings for her, she may feel absolutely nothing but the desire to hurt (251). After treating Pip so condescendingly when giving him food, she looks at Pip â€Å"with a quick delight in having been the cause of [the... ...use she is common (132). Like him, Biddy has unrequited adoration, but for Pip himself. Through this, Estella’s importance shines and shows how important she is to Pip. Ultimately, the only reason Pip desires to be a gentleman is â€Å"on her account† (136). Pip â€Å"[loves] her against reason†¦ against happiness, [and] against all discouragement,† despite her being heartless and to â€Å"have no heart,† Estella is the most influential person in Pip’s life (246 and 251). Without her superiority and emotional detachment, Pip will not strive in his passionate desperation to attain her. Despite, not having human feelings such as love and compassion, Pip â€Å"[loves] her simply because [he] found her irresistible† and declares passionately to be â€Å"a part of [his] existence†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (245). His bildungsroman is based on his unrequited love for her, for there will no Pip if there is no Estella.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

The Natural

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Monday, September 16, 2019

Dimensions Of Negotiation

Negotiation has been an intensely studied and researched topic in the fields of business, politics and psychology since past many years. The importance of negotiation stems from the fact that it is an inter-personal process of communication that involves the principle of direct approach to individuals. With increasing recognition of communication as a premier engaging strategy in conflict resolution and ensuring smooth organizational affairs, a critical parameter for success and growth in today’s environment, negotiation has gained considerable emphasis and focus.Although negotiation is a part of communication strategy, today it has emerged as an independent communication system with its own processes and life cycle. The major dimension of negotiation include, negotiation as a process of conflict management, negotiation as a inter-personal process, architecting the process of negotiation, and third party negotiation. Among these , the two major dimensions of negotiation are co nflict management and third party intervention.Negotiation and conflict management . Negotiation, as a part of managing conflict, requires interested parties to trade proposals for settlement that include, out of court settlements, business contracts, collective bargaining contract etc (Womack, 1990, 32). As Womack further elaborates, generally the process of negotiation proceeds through motives that are both competitive and cooperative.The approach of communication in the entire process of negotiation is concerned with the messages that are transferred among negotiators and the concerned parties. Communication intervenes in the process of negotiation through its both verbal and nonverbal forms and constitutes the entire base on which the goals and terms of the bargain are negotiated. Communication plays the central role in not only developing the relationship among the parties in conflict, but also in determining its direction.It is also central in every form of bargaining process, whether the bargaining is done for organizational form of conflict management, involves conflict resolution, negotiation on legal agreements or for negotiation in inter-group an intra group conflict. The entire role of communication in negotiation processes and strategies is quite vast and it ranges from defining the conflict issues, selection and implementation of strategies to presenting and defending the viable alternatives and finally helping in reaching on a solution (Womack, 1990, 35).In several studies on communication research, especially those involving game theory, communication was not considered central to the process of negotiation. Experiments showed that even when bargainers and negotiators resorted to communication, it was more for threatening than cooperating and collaborating. Womack quotes Deutsch (1969) to inform that back in 60s communication was considered as an unreliable approach in settling conflicts through negotiations.Moreover, there were fears that poor communication forms could result in misinformation, errors and possible negative outcomes. There was an additional perception that owing to competitive natures of negotiations, effective and open channels of communication were not possible. Some of these findings hold valid in disputes, particularly that are distributive in nature and concern with business and marketing segment, it has been nonetheless observed that where the goal is to achieve integrated goals, a problem solving approach works in excellent way.Womack (1990) further cites Lewicki, Weiss and Lewin, (1988), Fisher and Uri (1981), Lewicki and Litterer (1985) and Walton and Mckersie (1965) to state that negotiator resort to using multiple formal and informal communication channels to redefine the issues, present analysis of causes that offer difficulties in resolving the conflict and finally, through sharing of information and assessment of needs, help to identify the complete range of possible alternatives and solutio ns that are acceptable to mutual interests and needs of each party in the deal.These approaches lead to negotiation strategies that involve greater participation by conflicting parties, positively contributing to the increased chances of success in reaching settlement through more alternate solution.Some of the communication strategies adopted during negotiations on the group and organization levels in managing conflict include use of fantasy themes, interpretive themes, and stories and rituals that provide scapegoats to the involved parties and give them external reasons to come out with excuses, reasons and justifications to accommodate each other’s behavior, thereby preventing the chances of negotiations being stalled (Womack, 42).It is of first importance that a mediator should present a completely neutral and unbiased image before the conflicting parties to win their confidence and trust in the ability of mediator to help in achieving possible outcome in conflict. The co mmunication skills of mediators should present them as individuals free of gender, racial or ethnic biases. Along with this, successful mediation also requires listening skills on part of the mediator. It helps mediator to understand the current position of each party in the conflict as well inspire them with confidence in the neutrality of the mediator.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Art and Craft Essay

Art has had a great number of different functions throughout its history, making its purpose difficult to abstract or quantify to any single concept. This does not imply that the purpose of Art is â€Å"vague†, but that it has had many unique, different reasons for being created. Some of these functions of Art are provided in the following outline. The different purposes of art may be grouped according to those that are non-motivated, and those that are motivated (Levi-Strauss). Non-motivated functions of art The non-motivated purposes of art are those that are integral to being human, transcend the individual, or do not fulfill a specific external purpose. Aristotle said, â€Å"Imitation, then, is one instinct of our nature. † [16] In this sense, Art, as creativity, is something humans must do by their very nature (i. e. , no other species creates art), and is therefore beyond utility. Basic human instinct for harmony, balance, rhythm. Art at this level is not an action or an object, but an internal appreciation of balance and harmony (beauty), and therefore an aspect of being human beyond utility. â€Å"Imitation, then, is one instinct of our nature. Next, there is the instinct for ‘harmony’ and rhythm, meters being manifestly sections of rhythm. Persons, therefore, starting with this natural gift developed by degrees their special aptitudes, till their rude improvisations gave birth to Poetry. † -Aristotle [17] Experience of the mysterious. Art provides a way to experience one’s self in relation to the universe. This experience may often come unmotivated, as one appreciates art, music or poetry. â€Å"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science. † -Albert Einstein [18] Expression of the imagination. Art provide a means to express the imagination in non-grammatic ways that are not tied to the formality of spoken or written language. Unlike words, which come in sequences and each of which have a definite meaning, art provides a range of forms, symbols and ideas with meanings that are maleable. â€Å"Jupiter’s eagle [as an example of art] is not, like logical (aesthetic) attributes of an object, the concept of the sublimity and majesty of creation, but rather something else – something that gives the imagination an incentive to spread its flight over a whole host of kindred representations that provoke more thought than admits of expression in a concept determined by words. They furnish an aesthetic idea, which serves the above rational idea as a substitute for logical presentation, but with the proper function, however, of animating the mind by opening out for it a prospect into a field of kindred representations stretching beyond its ken. † -Immanuel Kant[19] Universal communication. Art allows the individual to express things toward the world as a whole. [according to whom? ] Earth artists often create art in remote locations that will never be experienced by another person. The practice of placing a cairn, or pile of stones at the top of a mountain, is an example. (Note: This need not suggest a particular view of God, or religion. ) Art created in this way is a form of communication between the individual and the world as a whole. [citation needed] Ritualistic and symbolic functions. In many cultures, art is used in rituals, performances and dances as a decoration or symbol. While these often have no specific utilitarian (motivated) purpose, anthropologists know that they often serve a purpose at the level of meaning within a particular culture. This meaning is not furnished by any one individual, but is often the result of many generations of change, and of a cosmological relationship within the culture. â€Å"Most scholars who deal with rock paintings or objects recovered from prehistoric contexts that cannot be explained in utilitarian terms and are thus categorized as decorative, ritual or symbolic, are aware of the trap posed by the term ‘art’. † -Silva Tomaskova[20] Motivated functions of art Motivated purposes of art refer to intentional, conscious actions on the part of the artists or creator. These may be to bring about political change, to comment on an aspect of society, to convey a specific emotion or mood, to address personal psychology, to illustrate another discipline, to (with commercial arts) to sell a product, or simply as a form of communication. Communication. Art, at its simplest, is a form of communication. As most forms of communication have an intent or goal directed toward another individual, this is a motivated purpose. Illustrative arts, such as scientific illustration, are a form of art as communication. Maps are another example. However, the content need not be scientific. Emotions, moods and feelings are also communicated through art. â€Å"[Art is a set of] artefacts or images with symbolic meanings as a means of communication. † -Steve Mithen[21] Art as entertainment. Art may seek to bring about a particular emotion or mood, for the purpose of relaxing or entertaining the viewer. This is often the function of the art industries of Motion Pictures and Video Games. The Avante-Garde. Art for political change. One of the defining functions of early twentieth century art has been to use visual images to bring about political change. Art movements that had this goal—Dadaism, Surrealism, Russian Constructivism, and Abstract Expressionism, among others—are collectively referred to as the avante-garde arts. â€Å"By contrast, the realistic attitude, inspired by positivism, from Saint Thomas Aquinas to Anatole France, clearly seems to me to be hostile to any intellectual or moral advancement. I loathe it, for it is made up of mediocrity, hate, and dull conceit. It is this attitude which today gives birth to these ridiculous books, these insulting plays. It constantly feeds on and derives strength from the newspapers and stultifies both science and art by assiduously flattering the lowest of tastes; clarity bordering on stupidity, a dog’s life. † -Andre Breton (Surrealism)[22] Art for psychological and healing purposes. Art is also used by art therapists, psychotherapists and clinical psychologists as art therapy. The Diagnostic Drawing Series, for example, is used to determine the personality and emotional functioning of a patient. The end product is not the principal goal in this case, but rather a process of healing, through creative acts, is sought. The resultant piece of artwork may also offer insight into the troubles experienced by the subject and may suggest suitable approaches to be used in more conventional forms of psychiatric therapy. Art for social inquiry, subversion and/or anarchy. While similar to art for political change, subversive or deconstructivist art may seek to question aspects of society without any specific political goal. In this case, the function of art may be simply to criticize some aspect of society.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Multi-National Corporate Rewards Program

Multi-National Corporation Rewards Program Tammy Engel CTU Online MGM336 March 19, 2012 Professor Moutaz Abou-Robieh Abstract Designing a rewards program that will be an attraction for new employees and a reason to stay for existing staff can be difficult for any corporation, but is made even more so when the company becomes international. There are several factors that influence employee motivation and these may be affected by culture, environment, socio-economics, and politics.A study of the motivating factors for employees located in the United States, France, and Japan will be presented, along with effective leadership characteristics for those respective locations. A preliminary rewards program for each division of the company will also be presented. Multi-National Corporation Rewards Program A rewards program or benefits package is always a large part of an employee’s decision to apply with, accept, or keep a job with any organization.The program must hold appeal to the employee and be appropriate for the location, especially if the company is a multi-national organization. Some benefits may not work in other countries, for example employee recognition in America usually consists of singling an individual out for kudos, while in Japan this type of recognition would be extremely uncomfortable for the employee. Influencing factors for the creation of appropriate rewards programs for our multi-national corporation (MNC) will be discussed. These will include employee motivation factors and successful leadership characteristics.Understanding Motivation There are several internal and external factors that can motivate an individual. There have been many studies by psychologists that focus on these factors including Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, the ERG theory, the motivator-hygiene/intrinsic-extrinsic need theory, and the achievement theory. There is one overriding problem with all of these theories; they are based on Western European and the Unite d States and therefore may not be applicable to employees that are not from these locations.Even within these areas there will be some variation in the motivational factors for any employee. Since these theories do offer some valuable insight into the psyche of two-thirds of our MNC, we will discuss their implications. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is based on the premise that an individual’s needs are grouped into five main categories; these categories are contingent upon one another in that Maslow believed the one could not move on to achieving or being motivated by the next category of needs until the previous ones had been met. Phatak, Bhagat, & Kashlak, Motivating and Leading across Borders and Cultures392, 2009) These categories are physiological needs such as food, shelter, and health; safety needs – shelter and security; belonging needs, feeling part of a group, love; esteem needs such as self-esteem and the respect of others; and finally self-actualizatio n needs which would indicate achieving one’s ultimate potential. Similar to Maslow’s hierarchy is the ERG theory developed by Clayton Alderfer.The ERG theory classifies needs into three intertwined categories; existence needs (think physiological and safety needs), relatedness needs (similar to belonging and respect needs), and growth needs (this relates to self-esteem and self-actualization). Other theories categorize these needs differently, but all are very similar. While there is some credence to these theories, as stated there is one overriding problem: they are based on an Eastern European/American individual.There may be some applicability to the employees of our MNC from North American, less applicability for those from France, and little applicability to our Japanese staff. All of these theories are based upon higher order needs such as individual achievement, self-actualization, and affiliation. Individuals from the Japanese division may be more concerned wit h lower order needs such as safety, security, and physical comforts. Phatak, Bhagat, & Kashlak, Motivating and Leading across Borders and Cultures392, 2009) Other theories are based on process theories rather than psychological aspects of behavior. One such theory is called the expectancy theory. This concept states that employees are motivated by expectations from management, linking behaviors with outcomes, and basing behavior on a reward system. The equity theory is similar to this in that employees will attempt to balance their work behavior according to what they see others do (or not do). Phatak, Bhagat, & Kashlak, Motivating and Leading across Borders and Cultures392, 2009) There are three norms associated with this theory: the norm of equity, the norm of need, and the norm of equality. This theory is especially applicable to our American division. Another aspect of motivating employees is the relationship between managers and their respective employees. These individuals mus t be able to work closely to formulate realistic goals for the employees based on the clear communication of the company’s mission and vision.Application of Motivational Theories As stated, our managers need to be very careful about how the motivate our employees based upon the physical location of the employee, the cultural background of the individual, and the other intrinsic and extrinsic factors that may influence that employees behavior. Employees located in more individualistic countries such as America and France will be more motivated by intrinsic factors and self-actualization needs. These individuals are more concerned with equitable treatment as compared to earning similar pay for similar work.Other appealing rewards or benefits may include paid time off, insurance, and consistent salary increases. These individuals will be concerned with the comforts that the work environment has to offer including roomy office spaces; comfortable break rooms; amenities like gyms, lunch service, and childcare; these employees value their individualism and will appreciate being publically recognized for a job well done. Conversely, our Japanese employees will be more concerned with extrinsic and basic safety/physiological needs. Phatak, Bhagat, & Kashlak, Motivating and Leading across Borders and Cultures392, 2009) These individuals value family and loyalty. Many generations of a family live together, so they may not feel that childcare is a worthy benefit as they have family available to take care of children or elderly relatives. Culturally Appropriate Reward Programs The rewards programs for our company will consist of a base package that will be appropriate and applicable to all divisions. Salary will be based on experience and company subsidized insurance will be available.Recognition awards for milestone achievement will be given to our American and French employees at monthly staff meetings, while these same types of awards will be given to our Japanes e employees privately and with little fanfare, respecting their privacy. Working environments will be clean and meet the highest safety standards available for all branches. Individuals will be provided access to all managerial staff along with some appropriate autonomy depending upon position and duties. Employees will also be strongly encourages to participate in a team culture within the workplace, with an emphasis on collaboration and cohesion.Each employee will be provided a generous allotment of paid time off; this will be highly valued by each division. (Phatak, Bhagat, & Kashlak, International Human Resources Management, 2009) Employees in France will be allowed the use of company owned vacation property. The US division will be provided with company subsidized legal and financial aid, while the Japanese employees will be given a monthly family allowance based upon the number of individuals in their family. These additional benefits are specific to location and monetarily eq uivalent between divisions.Leadership Types Each division will be led by individuals carefully chosen from the native locale. This will help to ensure that communication is clear and precise and that cultural moires are familiar and followed. All managers will be required to cross-train across continents so that they are aware of and familiar with the workings of each respective division. Our American managers will be specifically chosen for their abilities to set goals, interpersonal skills, and proven leadership history. The French management staff will be chosen for similar characteristics.The Japanese leadership will be chosen for proven leadership roles and ability to be available to the employees as well as to promote a team atmosphere. Our leaders will be encouraged to set clear goals for our employees and to meet individually with employees directly under them to communicate these goals. Upper management will be encouraging staff under them to be innovative and to communicat e those ideas throughout the business. While magnetism and charm will draw employees to a management figure in the US and France, this characteristic is not appropriate in Japan. (Phatak, Bhagat, &Kashlak, International Human Resources Management, 2009) Another characteristic that should be inherent in our managers is the ability to promote workplace and task pride. This is an important factor for motivating all employees, regardless of the location. Leaders should be trustworthy and possess excellent communication skills, good team building capabilities, and exceptional bargaining abilities. Conclusion It is extremely important to evaluate several aspects of the environment and culture prior to entering into a business relationship with any international location.This is especially important when the culture that you are entering is unique and unfamiliar to you and your company. Many factors can affect how employees from these varied locations will work and how they are motivated t o work; careful study of these can help to increase the likelihood of success for your business. Most importantly, hiring good leadership to oversee these areas is vital. Good leaders will help to promote and build the existing business, encourage cohesion among employees and divisions, and will be able to successfully communicate the prevailing mission of the business.References Phatak, A. V. , Bhagat, R. S. , & Kashlak, R. J. (2009). International Human Resources Management. In A. V. Phatak, R. S. Bhagat, & R. J. Kashlak, International Management: Managing in a Diverse and Dynamic Global Environment (Second ed. , pp. 436-468). Boston: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Phatak, A. V. , Bhagat, R. S. , & Kashlak, R. J. (2009). Motivating and Leading across Borders and Cultures392. In A. V. Phatak, R. S. Bhagat, & R. J. Kashlak, International Management: Managing in a diverse and Dynamic Global Environment (Second ed. , pp. 392-435). Boston: McGraw-Hill.

A Marketing Information System I Information Technology Essay

A Marketing Information System I Information Technology Essay Introduction: A Marketing Information System is a routine, planned, gathering, sorting, storage and retrieval system for market information relevant to the operation of a particular business. Most except the largest businesses do not have much of a marketing information system, if at all, with executives perhaps relying on reading a few trade publications and the monthly reports of their staff.As far as I am aware you cannot buy a ready made marketing information system suitable for any market, rather you have to organise your own, specific to your markets, your staff and your decision needs. The more volatile your markets, the more your organisation wishes to get ahead of the pack, the more you wish to be a winner, the more you are able to respond to emerging opportunities or threats faster than your competition, the more you could perhaps benefit if you organised the routine gathering of up to date pertinent market information from within and without your organisation so that it i s to hand, to warn, and to present opportunities to your organisation. Here the overall analysis was made on a Specific Company’s Marketing Information Systems Which is HSBC Ltd. The overall report begins hereand also some of the materials are attached in the Appendix section. About HSBC: HSBC is one of the largest banking and financial services organisations in the world. HSBC’s international network comprises about 10,000 offices in 76 countries and territories in Europe, the Asia-Pacific region, the Americas, the Middle East and Africa. Through an international network linked by advanced technology, HSBC provides a comprehensive range of financial services. Corporate communications for ‘The World’s Local Bank’ means informing employees in 76 countries about the latest HSBC news, legislation, HR and legal issues. History of HSBC: The HSBC Asia Pacific group represents HSBC in Bangladesh. HSBC opened its first branch in Dhaka in 17th December, 1996 to provide personal banking services, trade and corporate services, and custody services. The Bank was awarded ISO9002 accreditation for its personal and business banking services, which cover trade services, securities and safe custody, corporate banking, Hexagon and all personal banking. This ISO9002 designation is the first of its kind for a bank in Bangladesh. Realizing the huge potential and growth in personal banking industry in Bangladesh, HSBC extended its operation to the personal banking sector in Bangladesh and within a very short span of time; it was able to build up a huge client base. Extending its operation further, HSBC opened a branch at Chittagong, two branch offices at Dhaka (Gulshan and Mothijheel) and an offshore banking unit on November, 1998. Another branch has been opened at Dhanmondi on 1st of March, 2003. Till date, the number of employees of this bank in Bangladesh was 180. HSBC Bangladesh is under the strict of supervision of HSBC Asia Pacific Group, Hon g Kong. The Chief Executive Officer of HSBC Bangladesh manages the whole banking operation of HSBC in Bangladesh. Under the CEO, there are heads of departments, who manage specific banking functions e.g. Personal banking, corporate banking, etc. Currently HSBC Bangladesh is providing a wide range of services both individual and corporate level customers. In 2000, the bank launched a wide array of personal banking products designed for all kinds of (middle and higher middle income group) customers. Some such products were Personal loans, car loans, etc. Recently the bank launched three of its’ personal banking products – Personal Secured Credit, Personal secured loan & Automated Tele Banking (ATB) service, Credit Cards, ATM, Day& Night Banking Service and Easy Pay Machines. These products are designed to meet the diverse customer needs more completely.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Autobiograhy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Autobiograhy - Essay Example In this case, this was a situation when one of his subordinates arrived late for work that morning, as he tried to explain the manager shouted at him. However, this agitated the subordinate given since it was embracing to him since it was in the midst of other employees. The argument escalated, though it was resolved by assistant manager who had conflict management skills. The other case involved a conflict between groups during a project, whereby they were unable to agree on ways to assign themselves to various tasks. In fact, this had a significant impact on the project to an extent that it would have hampered the process of undertaking it. Nonetheless, the team leader of these groups had a conflict management skills and he was able to deal with the differences between these groups in a way that would facilitated their progress in accordance to their expectations. In conclusion, the cases that have been presented signify that importance of conflict management skill in working

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Land law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Land law - Essay Example In the case of William and Catherine, both of them hold a separate license agreements to the property, otherwise known as a â€Å"License to Occupy†, which was for an unspecified short term. Since the agreement does not stipulate a fixed duration, it can be terminated at the will of the landowner, provided that the notice requirement under Article 4 (1) (2) of the Landlord and Tenant Act of 1954 has been satisfied. There is no exclusive possession in this kind of agreement as the licensee does not enjoy exclusive occupation over the property. In fact, based on the agreement, there was a provision which allows Judith, the licensor, to enter the flat and share the couple’s bedroom any time she wishes.  This is merely a temporary arrangement and cannot ripen to a full lease agreement. In the case of In  EC Commission v United Kingdom  (Case C-359/97) [2000] STC 777,804, the European Court held that: â€Å"The term ‘letting of immovable property’ must be construed strictly. The  Court concluded, that the term ‘letting of immovable property’ cannot be considered to cover contracts where, the parties have not agreed on any duration for the right of enjoyment of the immovable property, which is an essential element of a contract to let." While in the case of Timmons v. Cropper (40 Del. Ch. 29, 172 A.2d. 757, 759) ‘License with respect to real property is a privilege to go on premises for a certain purpose, but does not operate to confer on, or vest in, licensee any title, interest, or estate in such property. In addition, â€Å"Licenses to occupy are somewhat less than leases and do not grant ‘possession’ or a legal interest in the land, which is the usual right of exclusive occupation. One example of a license is that of a lodger in a landlord's home. The lodger has no exclusive possession of any part, and shares facilities. The landlord has total control though there is a small element of protectio n in that even residential licensees can appeal to the courts against summary eviction† (Landlord Zone). Hence, Elizabeth has the right to enter the property at anytime she wishes and claim the portion of the property being used by William and Catherine and revoke the license, provided the notice requirement has been sent to the licensors. In the case of the first floor of the property, since Philip was an employee of Judith who served as the handyman in the house, Philip’s stay in the property served as part of his fringe benefits as an employee. As an employee, his stay in the house did not create exclusive use of that portion of the house where he is presently occupying, as evidenced by the key to the flat to do housekeeping. However, since the property was sold to a third party, the ownership and possession of the property has now been automatically transferred to the new owner, Elizabeth. Although there was no mention as to the term of the lease agreement, it is pr esumed that the owner can claim the property at anytime she wishes as she remains to be the owner of the property. The same treatment shall be applied to Beatrice, Judith’s niece who was granted a gratuitous license to use the top flat for free since was unemployed. â€Å"A gratuitous license is revocable by notice at any time† (Duhaime). Lord Mackay Clashfern,  Halsbury's Laws of England has stated that:   "A license is normally created where a person is granted the right to use premises without becoming entitled to exclusive possession of them. If the agreement is merely for the use of the property in a certain way and on certain terms while the property remains in the owner's possession and control, the agreement operates as a license. It does not create any

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Substance Abuse among the elderly populatin Article

Substance Abuse among the elderly populatin - Article Example Some participants were â€Å"early onset† drug users. These users started substance abuse at an early age especially during adolescences and early adulthood periods. The habit began as a result of experimentation, peer pressure and recreational use. Other respondents began use of substances later in life due to stressful life experiences like death of close relatives, divorces or pressure from drug user partners and friends. The research found there were negative effects on health status of drug abusers. In addition, the substance abusers lived poor quality of lives compared to other people. Most of the substance users lived alone with evidences of social isolation. Among the eleven interviewed, divorced respondents were five and the rest six had not married. Eight respondents lived alone. The research also found that the older people who were abusing drugs died earlier than other elder people who did not abuse substances. According to results of the study, ageing people used drug according to personal choice in accordance to effects and availability of drugs and substances. Drugs abused included cannabis, lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), amphetamines, morphine, heroin, tobacco and alcohol. Participants had various adverse health conditions such as circulatory problems, diabetes, liver cirrhosis and hepatitis. In addition, there were evidences of weight loss, anxiety, impaired mobility, obesity, malnutrition, paranoia and memory loss. The study on substance abuse and elderly population should be expanded, and numerous study be done. It is important to know what influences the ageing population into substance abuse. I recommend for further research to determine why the ageing population engages in substance abuse. As a social worker, the study will help me in dealing with the ageing population and advise them on various activities they can engage in instead of substances abuse. Roe. B, Beynon. C, Pickering. L and Duffy. P (2010). Experiences